
Searching all stock for "flywheel":

Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 (14 files)

Images of the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012, general photos and detail shots.
IMG 1176C 
 Garrett Showmans Tractor 4nhp 'Lady Sylvia', No 34706 built in 1925 reg no PU 7494. Rear canopy detail. 
 Keywords: Garrett Showmans Tractor 4nhp Lady Sylvia No 34706 Built 1925 Reg PU 7494 Rear Canopy Detail Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Smoke Fairground Fair Rides Red Gold Brass Bulbs Generate Electricity Flywheel Showman Trabsport Haul Haulage.
IMG 1309 
 Traction Engine at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Steam Haulage Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Coal Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Machinery Brass Whistle Governor Steer Steering
IMG 1499 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 13.5 tons 'Lightning II', No 3526 built in 1913 reg no AO 6302. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 13.5 Tons Engine Lightning II No 3526 AO 6302 Built 1913 Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Coal Steam Fairground Electricity Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Flywheel Wheel Wheels Stee Steering Light Lights Lighting Machinery Pull Power
IMG 1564 
 Road making demonstration at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Road Making Laying Demonstration Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Roller Chimney Canopy Steam Engine Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Roll Rolling Steer Steering Machinery Brass Governor Whistle
IMG 1657 
 Threshing demonstration at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Threshing Demonstration Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Tractor Hay Straw Engine Chimney Wheel Wheels Flywheel Smoke Red Black Whistle Governor Brass Machinery Pull Haul Haulage Farming
IMG 2336 
 6" Foden C-Type Wagon, 'Lloyd George' built in 2006. 
 Keywords: 6" Foden C-Type Wagon Lloyd George Built 2006 Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Red Wheels Tyres Chimney Steam Carry Pull Pulling Flywheel Whistle Great Dorset Steam Fair.
IMG 2339 
 Traction Engines Racing each other at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Traction Engines Haul Haulage Heavy Arena Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Chimney Chimneys Smoke Wheel Wheels Flywheel Brass Red Canopy Low Loader Governor Whistle Pull Pulling Machinery
IMG 2394C 
 Burrell 4.5 Inch Scale Miniature Traction, 'Pip Squeak' built in 1992, reg no J282 JKR. 
 Keywords: Burrell 4.5 Inch Scale Miniature Traction Engine Pip Squeak Built 1992 Reg J282 JKR Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Steam Small Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Governor Whistle Red Black Pull Haul Seat Driver Machinery Haulage
IMG 2397C 
 Burrell 4.5 Inch Scale Traction Engine, 'Pip Squeak', built in 1992, reg no J282 JKR. 
 Keywords: Burrell 4.5 Inch Scale Traction Engine Pip Squeak Built 1992 Reg J282 JKR Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Miniature Smoke Steam Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Heavy Haulage Arena Great Dorset Steam Fair
IMG 2409 
 The Heavy Haulage Arena at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Heavy Haulage Arena Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Traction Engine Tractor Dusty Diesel Smoke Chimney Pull Haul Transport Blue Black Wheel Wheels Flywheel
IMG 2455 
 Four Steam Traction Engine's, haul a transformer in the Heavy Haulage Arena at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Four Steam Traction Engines Haul Haulage Transformer Heavy Arena Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Chimney Chimneys Smoke Wheel Wheels Flywheel Brass Red Yellow Grey Canopy Low Loader Governor Whistle Pull Pulling Machinery
IMG 2463C 
 Four Steam Traction Engine's, haul a transformer in the Heavy Haulage Arena at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Four Steam Traction Engines Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Haul Haulage Transformer Heavy Arena Chimney Chimneys Smoke Wheel Wheels Flywheel Brass Red Yellow Grey Canopy Low Loader Governor Whistle Pull Pulling Machinery
IMG 2574 
 Fowler Traction Engine. 
 Keywords: Fowler Traction Engine Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Steam Smoke Chimney Wheels Chimney Flywheel Black Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Transport Road
IMG 2651 
 Showmans Engine's lighting up as the sun sets. 
 Keywords: Showman Showmans Engine Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Engines Fairground Steam Fair Smoke Electricity Dynamo Generator Generate Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Governor Whistle Steer Steering Light Lighting Driver People Machinery Red Black

Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 (3 files)

Images of the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013, general photos and detail shots, including the 'Worlds Greatest Roller Gathering'.
IMG 2916 
 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. Posing for photos. 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Traction Engine Heritage Photography Photo Photos British Tarrant Hinton Road Roller Chimney Boiler Flywheel Red People
IMG 2925 
 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. Cleaning road roller. 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Traction Engine Heritage Photography Photo Photos British Tarrant Hinton Cleaning Road Roller Polish Men Driver Flywheel Cylinder Block Engine
IMG 3411 
 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. Traction Engine Driver. 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Traction Engine Heritage Photography Photo Photos British Tarrant Hinton Driver Wheel Wheels Flywheel Whistle

HDR Images. (17 files)

HDR images of Steam Traction Engines, Road Rollers and other steam powered vehicles. Also vintage vehicles and other general Vintage equipment.
 Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons 'Icklingham Flyer', No 3510, built in 1913 reg no M 4673. HDR. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons Icklingham Flyer No 3510 Built 1913 Reg M 4673 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Canopy Chimney Coal Flywheel Boiler Smoke Coal Haul Haulage Carry Flatbed Green Pull Pulling Machinery Whistle
 Burrell Scenic Showmans Engine 'No 1', No 3865 reg no DH 2507 built in 1920. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Scenic Showmans Engine No 1 3865 Reg DH 2507 Built 1920 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Coal Steam Fairground Electricity Generate Generator Canopy Flywheel Brass Whistle Governor Machinery Power Light Lights Wheel Wheels
IMG 1843HDR 
 McLaren Road Locomotive 4 inch scale 'Orion', built in 2007 reg no HS52 CBO. HDR 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Orion Built 2007 Reg HS52 CBO HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Green Red Driver Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Cylinder Block Governor Whistle Transport Steam Smoke
IMG 1853HDR 
 Burrell Traction Engine 4 inch scale, built in 2008. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Built 2008 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Miniature Model Chimney Steam Smoke Driver Boiler Coal Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 1859HDR 
 Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 inch scale 'Spea', reg no RX03 XHA. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 Inch Scale Spea Reg RX03 XHA HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Miniature Model Steam Coal Boiler Blue Trailer Wheel Wheels Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Man Carry Pull Haul Haulage Carry
IMG 1921HDR 
 Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 inch scale, 'Lady Of The Lake'. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Lady Of The Lake Engine Miniature Marron Red Yellow Gold Flywheel Chimney Canopy Engine Boiler Wheel Wheels Driver Showman Fair Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity
IMG 1932HDR 
 Foden Steam Wagon miniature 'Little Emily', reg no A511 LCP. HDR. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon Miniature Little Emily Reg A511 LCP HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Small Scale Red Black Lorry Canopy Chimney Flywheel Cylinder Pressure Boiler Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Carry Haul Haulage Driver Smoke
IMG 2027HDR 
 Aveling & Porter 'L' type Steam Motor Tractor 4nhp 'Rosemary', No 12152 built in 1900 reg no SC 1577. HDR. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter L Type Steam Motor Tractor 4nhp Rosemary No 12152 Built 1900 Reg SC 1577 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Belt Power Drive Shaft Pulling Trailer
IMG 2028HDR 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Lesley', built in 2000. HDR. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Lesley Built 2000 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Miniature Model Red Gold Flywheel Chimney Boiler Pressure Smoke Coal Wheel Wheels Driver Trailer Seat Transport
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. HDR. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 BE 8003 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Canopy Red Green Black Gold Chimney Coal Steam Smoke Boiler Wheel Wheels Flywheel Governor Whistle Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 2195HDR 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 'Little Mo', No 1652 built in 1914 reg no EB 4938. HDR. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine Little Mo No 1652 Built 1914 Reg EB 4938 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Steam Smoke Red Black Flywheel Chimney Coal Cylinder Block Pressure Wheel Wheels Transport Haul Haulage Driver Heavy
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp, No 48154 built in 1918 reg no NM 1161. HDR. 
 Keywords: Clayton Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp No 48154 Built 1918 Reg NM 1161 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Traction Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
 Burrell General Purpose Traction SCC Engine 6nhp 'Ted Haggard', No 2426 built in 1901 reg no BL 4843. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction SCC Engine 6nhp Ted Haggard No 2426 Built 1901 Reg BL 4843 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photograph Flywheel Chimney Smoke Coal Water Boiler Green Black Wheel Wheels Transport Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
 Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp 'Crimson Lady', No 4055 built in 1927 reg no VF 1273. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp Crimson Lady No 4055 Built 1927 Reg VF 1273 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photograph Red Black Gold Chimney Flywheel Coal Boiler Steam Smoke Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Dacorum Country Fayre
 Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp 'Kitchener', No 9279 built in 1902 reg no SY 1125. HDR. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp Kitchener No 9279 Built 1902 Reg SY 1125 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photograph Canopy Chimney Coal Bolier Traction Engine Steam Black Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Whistle Flywheel Governor Dacorum Country Fayre
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photograph Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars
IMG 7625HDR 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp 'Margaret', No 3926 built in 1922 reg no NO 4999. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp Margaret No 3926 Built 1922 Reg NO 4999 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Red Black Gold Generate Electricity Dynamo Fair Fairground Henry Thurston & Sons Caterers Rugby Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Pull Pulling Transport

Miniature & Model Steam Traction Engines (183 files)

Miniature Steam Traction Engines, including Road Rollers, Wagons, Lorries, and General Purpose Engines & Model Steam Engines.
IMG 0731C 
 Marshall Steam Engine 6 inch scale 'Little Ol Nick', No 230635 built 2002. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Engine 6 Inch Scale Little Ol Nick No 230635 Built 2002 Coal Model Miniature Small Smaller Haul Wagon Haulage Red Chimney Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Cart Pull Governor
IMG 1075 
 Allchin miniature traction engine 'Clara', reg no Q544 ERT. 
 Keywords: Allchin Miniature Traction Engine Clara Reg Q544 ERT Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Flywheel Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics William Northampton Manufactured
IMG 1079 
 Allchin miniature traction engine 'Clara', reg no Q544 ERT. 
 Keywords: Allchin Miniature Traction Engine Clara Reg Q544 ERT Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Flywheel Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics William Northampton Manufactured
IMG 1091 
 Foster miniature traction engine, reg no Q324 JFC. 
 Keywords: Foster Miniature Traction Engine Reg Q324 JFC Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Flywheel
IMG 1134 
 Foster miniature traction engine, reg no X937 JKU. 
 Keywords: Foster Miniature Traction Engine Reg X937 JKU Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Green Flywheel Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics
IMG 1188 
 Allchin miniature traction engine 'Tregwylan'. 
 Keywords: Allchin Miniature Traction Engine Tregwylan Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Flywheel Trailer Passengers
IMG 1244 
 Foster miniature traction engine, reg no Q324 JFC. 
 Keywords: Foster Miniature Traction Engine Reg Q324 JFC Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Flywheel
IMG 1256C 
 Burrell Miniature Traction Engine, reg no JU 1651. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine Reg JU 1651 Red Black Small Model Driver Chimney Flywheel Boiler Cylinder Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 1257 
 Burrell Miniature Traction Engine, reg no JU 1651. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine Reg JU 1651 Red Black Small Model Driver Chimney Flywheel Boiler Cylinder Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 1679 
 Burrell SCC Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'At Last', built in 2011 reg no AE11 BNY. 
 Keywords: Burrell SCC Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale At Last Built 2011 Reg AE11 BNY Model Steam Coal Miniature Haulage Smoke Chimney Wheel Wheels Boiler Pull Cart Carry Machinery Whistle Flywheel Man Hat
IMG 1709 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Cairngorm', built in 2003 reg no KN03 HEV. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Cairngorm Built 2003 Reg KN03 HEV Miniature Model Black Gold Trailer Seat Flywheel Whistle Chimney Boiler Governor Steam Smoke Wheel Wheels Transport General Purpose Haul Haulage Driver Mate
IMG 1720 
 Fowler 27 Ploughing Engine 3 inch scale 'Winston', built in 2001. 
 Keywords: Fowler 27 Ploughing Engine 3 inch Scale Winston built 2001 Coal Farming Steam Haulage Model Miniature Black Chimney Smoke Whistle Flywheel Governor Man Bowler Hat Wheel Wheels Boiler Machinery
IMG 1721 
 Fowler 27 Ploughing Engine 3 inch scale 'Winston', built in 2001. 
 Keywords: Fowler 27 Ploughing Engine 3 Inch Scale Winston Built 2001 Coal Steam Miniature Farming Model Black Chimney Smoke Wheel Wheels Boiler Flywheel Whistle Governor Man Bowler Hat Pull Haul Haulage
IMG 1742 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Staffordshire Lass', built in 2007. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Staffordshire Lass Built 2007 Steam Coal Miniature Model Black Chimney Smoke Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Headlights Boiler Pull Machinery
IMG 1747 
 Burrell Traction Engine 3 inch scale 'Genie', built in 2009. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 3 inch Scale Genie Built 2009 Coal Steam Miniature Model Haulage Red Chimney Smoke Boiler Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Men Pull Haul
IMG 1754 
 Showmans Engine 'Tovil Belle', reg no GN55 XRV. 
 Keywords: Showmans Engine Tovil Belle Reg GN55 XRV Coal Steam Fairground Fair Electricity Generator Blue Chimney Smoke Boiler Showman Pull Haul Lights Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels
IMG 1775 
 Burrell SCC Road Locomotive 4 inch scale 'Matthew Thomas', built in 2000. 
 Keywords: Burrell SCC Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Matthew Thomas Built 2000 Miniature Trailer Red Smoke Steam Chimney Boiler Pressure Cylinder Flywheel Driver Wheel Wheels Transport Driver Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 1792 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Bill', built in 1993. 
 Keywords: William Foster Lincoln Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Bill Built 1993 Miniature Steam Smoke Red Black Trailer Seat Chimney Boiler Flywheel Whistle Coal Water Cylinder Block Pressure Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Lady Ladies
IMG 1800 
 Case Traction Engine 4 inch scale, built 2002. 
 Keywords: Case Traction Engine 4 inch Scale Built 2002 Coal Steam Miniature Model Green Red Wheel Wheels Chimney Smoke Whistle Governor Boiler Flywheel Pull
IMG 1808 
 Foster Chain Driven Engine 5 inch scale 'Violet', built in 2004. 
 Keywords: Foster Chain Driven Engine 5 inch Scale Violet Built 2004 Steam Coal Haulage Miniature Black Gold Chimney Pull Haul Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Flywheel Smoke
IMG 1826 
 McLaren Road Locomotive 3 inch scale 'Captain Scott', built in 1999 reg no BE 7518. Based on full size McLaren 'Captain Scott' No 1421 built in 1913. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Locomotive 3 Inch Scale Captain Scott Built 1999 Reg BE 7518 Based On Full Size McLaren Captain Scott No 1421 1913 Miniature Black Orange Wheells Wheel Canopy Chimney Flywheel Cylinder Pressure Driver Transport Haul Haulage
IMG 1829 
 Foster miniature agricultural traction engine 4" scale. 
 Keywords: Foster Miniature Agricultural Traction Engine 4" Scale Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Green Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Whistle Flywheel
IMG 1830 
 Garrett 5 Ton Overtype Wagon 6 inch scale 'Claire Louise', built in 2011 reg no VX58 YFL. 
 Keywords: Garrett 5 Ton Overtype Wagon 6 Inch Scale Claire Louise Built 2011 Reg VX58 YFL Miniature Blue Red Waggon Lorry Truck Canopy Chimney Flywheel Boiler Cylinder Smoke Steam Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Driver Carry Load Haul Haulage
IMG 1831 
 Foster Agricultural Engine 4 inch scale, built between 1988-98. 
 Keywords: Foster Agricultural Engine 4 Inch Scale Built Between 1988-98 Miniature Steam Model Smoke Green Black Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Cylinder Pressure Haul Haulage Farming Driver Transport Wheel Wheels
IMG 1832 
 Foster miniature agricultural traction engine 4" scale. 
 Keywords: Foster Miniature Agricultural Traction Engine 4" Scale Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Green Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Whistle Flywheel
IMG 1833 
 Garrett 5 Ton Overtype Wagon 6 inch scale 'Claire Louise', built in 2011 reg no VX58 YFL. 
 Keywords: Garrett 5 Ton Overtype Wagon 6 Inch Scale Claire Louise Built 2011 Reg VX58 YFL Miniature Blue Red Waggon Lorry Truck Canopy Chimney Flywheel Boiler Cylinder Smoke Steam Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Driver Carry Load Haul Haulage
IMG 1835 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 4 inch scale 'Bill', built between 1998-2000 reg no TRC 1. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Bill Built Between 1998-2000 Reg TRC 1 Miniature Small Green Red Black Chimney Flywheel Boiler Coal Smoke Steam Wheel Wheels Trailer Driver
IMG 1845 
 Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 inch scale 'Buddy', reg Q979 ACP. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 Inch Scale Buddy Reg Q979 ACP Brown Red Black Miniature Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steam Smoke Chimney Pull Pulling haul Hauling Trailer Seat
IMG 1846 
 Burrell miniature agricultural traction engine 4" scale 'Warrior Queen 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Agricultural Traction Engine 4 1/2" Scale Buddy Miniature Steam Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Brown Flywheel Trailer Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Mechanical Engineering Mechanics
IMG 1847 
 Burrell miniature agricultural traction engine 4 1/2" scale 'Buddy'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Agricultural Traction Engine 4 1/2" Scale Buddy Miniature Steam Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Brown Flywheel Trailer Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Mechanical Engineering Mechanics
IMG 1851 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale, built 1991/92 reg no Q29 JUD. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Built 1991/92 Reg Q29 JUD Miniature Green Red Black Boiler Flywheel Smoke Steam Chimney Cylinder Pressure Wheel Wheels Transport Driver Trailer Seat
IMG 1852 
 Burrell Traction Engine 4 inch scale, built in 2008. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Built 2008 Miniature Model Chimney Steam Smoke Driver Boiler Coal Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 1862 
 Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 inch scale 'Spea', reg no RX03 XHA. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 Inch Scale Spea Reg RX03 XHA Miniature Model Steam Coal Boiler Blue Trailer Wheel Wheels Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Man Carry Pull Haul Haulage Carry
IMG 1867 
 Foster miniature traction engine. 
 Keywords: Foster William Miniature Steam Traction Engine Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Flywheel
IMG 1888 
 Garrett 4 CD Engine 6inch scale, built in 1910. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4 CD Engine 6inch Scale Built 1910 Miniature Model Green Red Black Chimney Boiler Flywheel Whistle Cylinder Pressure Wheel Wheels Driver Steam Smoke Trailer Seat Transport
IMG 1892 
 Burrell miniature road locomotive 4" scale 'Jaycee', reg no W143 YMJ. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Road Locomotive 4" Scale Jaycee Reg W143 YMJ Traction Engine Brown Trailer Driver Flywheel Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics
IMG 1895 
 Burrell miniature road locomotive 4" scale 'Jaycee', reg no W143 YMJ. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Road Locomotive 4" Scale Jaycee Reg W143 YMJ Traction Engine Brown Trailer Driver Flywheel Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics
IMG 1899 
 Foster miniature traction engine 4" scale, reg no Q29 JUD. 
 Keywords: Foster Miniature Traction Engine 4" Scale Reg Q29 JUD Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Flywheel Trailer Seat Driver
IMG 1905 
 Burrell miniature traction 4" scale. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction 4" Scale Engine Red Trailer Wagon Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Flywheel
IMG 1912 
 Burrell Agricultural Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Blue Belle', built in 2008. 
 Keywords: Burrell Agricultural Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Blue Belle Built 2008 Steam Miniature Model Farming Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Boiler Coal Pressure Cylinder Transport Driver Seat Trailer
IMG 1921 
 Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 inch scale, 'Lady Of The Lake'. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Lady Of The Lake Engine Miniature Marron Red Yellow Gold Flywheel Chimney Canopy Engine Boiler Wheel Wheels Driver Showman Fair Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity
IMG 1932 
 Foden Steam Wagon miniature 'Little Emily', reg no A511 LCP. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon Miniature Little Emily Reg A511 LCP Small Scale Red Black Lorry Canopy Chimney Flywheel Cylinder Pressure Boiler Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Carry Haul Haulage Driver Smoke
IMG 1940 
 Burrell Road Roller miniature 'Louise', reg no Q427 RFB. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Roller Miniature Louise Reg Q427 RFB Small Scale Green Model Transport Flywheel Chimney Wheel Wheels CylinderHaul Haulage Driver Construction
IMG 1946 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Cairngorm', built in 2003. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Cairngorm Built 2003 Miniature Steam Model Black Gold Chimney Flywheel Cylinder Block Pressure Boiler Coal Whistle Wheel Wheels Trailer Seat Driver Haul Haulage Pull Pulling
IMG 1948 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Lesley', built in 2000. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Lesley Built 2000 Miniature Model Red Gold Flywheel Chimney Boiler Pressure Smoke Coal Wheel Wheels Driver Trailer Seat Transport
IMG 1952 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Lesley', built in 2000. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Lesley Built 2000 Miniature Model Red Gold Flywheel Chimney Boiler Pressure Smoke Coal Wheel Wheels Driver Trailer Seat Transport
IMG 1968 
 Burrell miniature agricultural traction engine 4" scale 'New Moon', reg no EG54 ZTD. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Agricultural Traction Engine 4" Scale New Moon Reg EG54 ZTD Black Red Flywheel Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics
IMG 1978 
 Lineup of miniature steam traction engines, & road roller. Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013. 
 Keywords: Lineup Miniature Steam Traction Engines & Road Roller Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013 Gathering Collection Green Red Small Scale Wagon Waggon Chimney Chimneys Drivers Flywheel Boiler Smoke Transport
IMG 1979 
 Lineup of miniature steam & traction engines. Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013. 
 Keywords: Lineup Miniature Steam & Traction Engines Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013 Collection Gathering Parade Chimneys Boiler Green Black Flywheel Wagon Waggon Miniature Scale Wheel Wheels Boiler Coal Whistle Smoke Drivers Transport
IMG 1982C 
 Lineup of miniature steam & traction engines. Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013. 
 Keywords: Lineup Miniature Steam & Traction Engines Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013 Miniature Scale Parade Gathering Collection Smoke Drivers Transport Green Red Black Flywheel Boiler Coal Wheel Wheels Cylinder Block Pressure
IMG 1992C 
 Lineup of miniature steam & traction engines. Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013. 
 Keywords: Lineup Miniature Steam & Traction Engines Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013 Small Scale Model Gathering Collection Drivers Chimneys Smoke Red Maroon Green Black Flywheel Wheel Wheels Boiler Coal Water Cylinder Block
IMG 1993C 
 Lineup of miniature steam & traction engines. Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013. 
 Keywords: Lineup Miniature Steam & Traction Engines Great Bucks Steam Rally 2013 Gathering Collection Small Scale Drivers Chimneys Boiler Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Red Green Black Coal Water
IMG 2015 
 Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 inch scale 'Spea', reg no RX03 XHA. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 Inch Scale Spea Reg RX03 XHA Miniature Model Steam Coal Boiler Blue Trailer Wheel Wheels Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Man Carry Pull Haul Haulage Carry
IMG 2394C 
 Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4.5 inch scale 'Pip Squeak', built in 1992 reg no J282 JKR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4.5 Inch Scale Pip Squeak Built 1992 Reg J282 JKR Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Steam Small Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Governor Whistle Red Black Pull Haul Seat Driver Machinery Haulage
IMG 3424 
 Allchin miniature compound traction engine 'Emily'. 
 Keywords: Allchin Miniature Compound Traction Engine Emily Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Small Driver Mechanical Engineering Coal Boiler Steam Smoke Chimney Wheel Wheels Trailer Seat Flywheel
IMG 3429 
 Burrell miniature traction engine, reg no Q966 JKR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine Reg Q966 JKR Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Small Driver Mechanical Engineering Coal Boiler Steam Smoke Chimney Wheel Wheels Trailer Passenger Red Flywheel
IMG 3439 
 Burrell miniature traction engine 4.5" scale 'The Bat'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4.5" scale The Bat Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Small Driver Mechanical Engineering Coal Boiler Smoke Chimney Wheel Wheels Seat Trailer Flywheel
IMG 4604 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4610 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4620 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4623 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4642 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4645 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4652 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4660 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4661 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4663 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4674 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4682 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4696 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4698 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4703 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4707 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4708 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4713 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4717 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4721 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4724 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4729 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4733 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4735 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4737 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4741 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4755 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4759 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4761 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4762 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4763 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4774 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Show 2014 Rally Bedfordshire Miniature Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 4852 
 Allchin Traction Engine 6 inch scale 'Merlin', No 3521 built in 1990 reg no K56 UOD. Based on a general purpose engine. 
 Keywords: Wm William Allchin Traction Engine 6 Inch Scale Merlin Reg Built 1990 K56 UOD Miniature Steam Smoke Chimney Red Wheel Wheels Flywheel Whistle Governor Haul Haulage Pull Machine Headlights
IMG 4879 
 Burrell traction engine 4 inch scale 'Glad'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Glad Miniature Wheel Wheels Flywheel Red Chimney Governor Whistle Pull Haul Haulage Machine
IMG 4969 
 Tasker steam tractor, 6 inch scale. 
 Keywords: Tasker Steam Tractor 6 Inch Scale Miniature Smoke Steam Chimney Wheel Wheels Flywheel Governor Whistle Red Gold Engine
IMG 5063 
 Marshall Steam Engine 6 inch scale 'Little Ol Nick', No 230635 built 2002. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Engine 6 Inch Scale Little Ol Nick No 230635 Built 2002 Coal Model Miniature Small Smaller Haul Wagon Haulage Red Chimney Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Cart Pull Governor
IMG 5309 
 Burrell Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 inch scale 'Frederick'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Frederick Fairground Electricity Generate Dynamo Lights Flywheel Red Yellow Chimney Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Cart Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Driver
IMG 5314 
 Ruston Proctor type SD light steam tractor 6 inch scale 'Venturer'. 
 Keywords: Ruston Proctor Type SD Light Steam Tractor 6 Inch Scale Venturer Chimney Flywheel Boiler Coal Smoke Red Green Black Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Driver
IMG 5315C 
 Foster chain drive rope hauling machine 5 inch scale 'Violet', built in 2004. 
 Keywords: Foster Chain Drive Rope Hauling Machine 5 Inch Scale Violet Built 2004 Miniature Red Black Chimney Flywheel Whistle Driver Coal Boiler Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Transport
IMG 6049C 
 Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4 1/2 inch scale 'Spea'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 Inch Scale Spea Miniature Model Steam Coal Boiler Blue Man Chimney Trailer Wheel Wheels Smoke Whistle Flywheel Headlights Lamps Pull Carry Haul Haulage
IMG 6065 
 McClaren Miniature Road Locomotive 4 inch scale 'Brutus', reg no OU04 FMD. 
 Keywords: McClaren Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Brutus Reg OU04 FMD Miniature Model Steam Engine Coal Boiler Green Chimney Smoke Wheel Wheels Flywheel Carry Pull Haul Haulage Man
IMG 6072 
 Foster Miniature Traction Engine 4 inch scale. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch scale Miniature Model Steam Coal Boiler Green Whistle Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Carry Pull Haul Haulage Man
IMG 6084 
 Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4 1/2 inch scale 'Jester'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 Inch Scale Jester Miniature Model Steam Coal Boiler Green Red Chimney Whistle Flywheel Spokes Smoke Wheel Wheels Pull Carry Haul Haulage
IMG 6113 
 Row of miniature steam engines, letting off steam. 
 Keywords: Row Miniature Steam Engines Engine Coal Boiler Line Gathering Collection Red Black Wheel Wheels Chimneys Smoke Flywheel Carry Pull Haul Haulage
IMG 6117 
 Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4 1/2 inch scale 'Spea'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4 1/2 Inch Scale Spea Miniature Model Steam Coal Boiler Blue Trailer Wheel Wheels Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Man Carry Pull Haul Haulage Carry
IMG 6122 
 McLaren Road Locomotive 4 inch scale 'Brutus', reg no OU04 FMD. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Brutus Reg OU04 FMD Miniature Model Steam Engine Coal Boiler Chimney Smoke Green Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Man Carry Pull Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 6359 
 Foden Steam Wagon 'Little Emily'. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon Little Emily Miniature Traction Engine Coal Boiler Waggon Smoke Chimney Red Tyre Tyres Flywheel Carry Pull Haul Haulage Man Whistle
IMG 6581 
 Foden Miniature Steam Wagon, reg no Q843 VBD. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature Steam Wagon Reg Q843 VBD Red Black Boiler Smoke Coal Boiler Flywheel Whistle Lorry Carry Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Flatbed Transport
IMG 6595 
 Burrell Miniature Road Locomotive 'His Majesty'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Road Locomotive His Majesty Chimney Flywheel Whistle Boiler Coal Steam Black Yellow Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Trailer Trailers Wagons Transport Carry
IMG 6794C 
 Burrell Devonshire Traction Engine 6 inch scale 'Little George', reg no Q143 WRX. 
 Keywords: Burrell Devonshire Traction Engine 6 Inch Scale Little George Reg Q143 WRX Miniature Steam Smoke Small Scale Red Black Chimney Wheel Wheels Flywheel Cylinder Block Pressure Boiler Whistle Transport Driver
IMG 7047 
 Burrell miniature traction engine 4 1/2" scale 'Sally', built in 1987. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4 1/2" Scale Sally Built 1987 Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7052 
 Foden miniature C-type wagon 6" scale, built in 2001 reg no SSU 173. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature C-type Wagon 6" Scale Built 2001 Reg SSU 173 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney Green Allan Young
IMG 7062 
 Foster miniature traction engine 4" scale 'Claire', built in 2007 reg no G923 AVL. 
 Keywords: Foster Miniature Traction Engine 4" Scale Claire Built 2007 Reg G923 AVL Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7067 
 Foden miniature C-type wagon 6" scale, built in 2001 reg no SSU 173. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature C-type Wagon 6" Scale Built 2001 Reg SSU 173 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7074 
 Ruston Proctor miniature steam tractor 4" scale, built in 1998. 
 Keywords: Ruston Proctor Miniature Steam Tractor 4" Scale Built 1998 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7080 
 Foden miniature 6" scale C-type 3 way tipping wagon, built in 2002 works no 1902. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature 6" Scale C-type 3 Way Tipping Wagon Built 2002 Works 1902 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7083 
 Burrell miniature 4" scale SCC road locomotive 'Bod', built in 2000 reg no W347 XAH. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 4" Scale SCC Road Locomotive Bod Built 2000 Reg W347 XAH Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7093 
 Marshall miniature traction engine 'Lucky Star', 6" scale, built in 1991 reg no H234 PEF. 
 Keywords: Marshall Miniature Traction Engine Lucky Star 6" scale Built 1991 Reg H234 PEF Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7125 
 Burrell miniature traction engine 6" scale 'Harriet', built in 2010. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 6" Scale Harriet Built 2010 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7127 
 Burrell Devonshire miniature traction engine 6" scale. 
 Keywords: Burrell Devonshire Miniature Traction Engine 6" Scale Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7130 
 Burrell Devonshire miniature traction engine 6" scale. 
 Keywords: Burrell Deconshire Miniature Traction Engine 6" Scale Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7133 
 Burrell Devonshire miniature traction engine 6" scale. 
 Keywords: Burrell Devonshire Miniature Traction Engine 6" Scale Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7141 
 Burrell miniature traction engine 4 1/2" scale 'Annie', built in 2009. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4 1/2" Scale Annie Built 2009 Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7143 
 Savage Little Samson miniature steam tractor 6" scale, built in 2010. 
 Keywords: Savage Little Samson Miniature Steam Tractor 6" Scale Built 2010 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7151 
 Savage Little Samson miniature steam tractor 6" scale , built in 2010. 
 Keywords: Savage Little Samson Miniature Steam Tractor 6" Scale Built 2010 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7155 
 Burrell miniature 6" scale gold medal tractor 'Goldie', built in 2013 reg GN13 GZO. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 6" Scale Gold Medal Tractor Goldie Built 2013 Reg GN13 GZO Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7159 
 Fowler Miniature 6" scale B6 road locomotive 'Galanthus', built in 1992. 
 Keywords: Fowler Miniature 6" Scale B6 Road Locomotive Galanthus Built 1992 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7165 
 Burrell miniature 6" scale gold medal tractor 'Goldie', built in 2013 reg GN13 GZO 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 6" Scale Gold Medal Tractor Goldie Built 2013 Reg GN13 GZO Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7169 
 Burrell miniature 4 1/2" scale road locomotive 'Victor', built in 1979. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 4 1/2" Scale Road Locomotive Victor Built 1979 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7171 
 Fowler Miniature 6" scale B6 road locomotive 'Galanthus', built in 1992. 
 Keywords: Fowler Miniature 6" Scale B6 Road Locomotive Galanthus Built 1992 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7174 
 Burrell miniature 4 1/2" scale road locomotive 'Victor', built in 1979. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 4 1/2" Scale Road Locomotive Victor Built 1979 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7183 
 Burrell miniature traction engine 4" scale 'Sybil', built in 2008 reg no JPB 1984. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4" Scale Sybil Built 2008 Reg JPB 1984 Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7189 
 Burrell miniature traction engine 4" scale 'Sybil', built in 2008 reg no JPB 1984. With thresher in tow. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Traction Engine 4" Scale Sybil Built 2008 Reg JPB 1984 Thresher Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7209 
 Foden miniature 4 1/2" scale steam wagon, built in 2010 from a Steam Traction World Kit. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature 4 1/2" Scale Steam Wagon Built 2010 Steam Traction World Kit Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney Blue C.Walton
IMG 7213 
 Foden miniature 4 1/2" scale steam wagon, built in 2010 from a Steam Traction World Kit. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature 4 1/2" Scale Steam Wagon Built 2010 Steam Traction World Kit Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney C.Walton
IMG 7220 
 Foden miniature steam wagon 4 1/2" scale 'Fenland Prince', built in 2012 from a Steam Traction World Kit. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature Steam Wagon 4 1/2" Scale Fenland Prince Built 2012 Steam Traction World Kit Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney Haulage
IMG 7223 
 Foden miniature steam wagon 4 1/2" scale 'Fenland Prince', built in 2012 from a Steam Traction World Kit. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature Steam Wagon 4 1/2" Scale Fenland Prince Built 2012 Steam Traction World Kit Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney Roger Venni Haulage
IMG 7228 
 Collection of miniature steam traction engines, at the Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014. 
 Keywords: Collection Gathering Lineup Traction Engines Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney Main Arena
IMG 7229 
 Collection of miniature steam traction engines, at the Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014. 
 Keywords: Collection Gathering Lineup Traction Engines Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Main Arena Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7236 
 Burrell miniature 4" scale SCC road locomotive 'Bod', built in 2000 reg W347 XAH. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 4" Scale SCC Road Locomotive Bod Built 2000 Reg W347 XAH Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7237 
 Foden miniature C-type wagon 6" scale, built in 2001 reg no SSU 173. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature C-type Wagon 6" Scale Built 2001 Reg SSU 173 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney Green Allan Young & Co Haulage Contractor
IMG 7239 
 Garrett 4CD miniature tractor 6" scale 'The Wanderer', built in 2008. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Miniature Tractor 6" Scale The Wanderer Built 2008 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7248 
 Collection of Miniature steam traction engines at the Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014. 
 Keywords: Collection Miniature Traction Engines Gathering Lineup Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7249 
 Burrell miniature 4" scale SCC road locomotive 'Bod', built in 2000 reg no W347 XAH. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 4" Scale SCC Road Locomotive Bod Built 2000 Reg W347 XAH Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7264 
 Foden miniature C-type 3 way tipping wagon 6" scale, works No 1902 built in 2002. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature C-type 3 Way Tipping Wagon 6" Scale Works No 1902 Built 2002 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7267 
 Foden miniature C-type wagon 6" scale, built in 2003 reg no KAX 129. 
 Keywords: Foden Miniature C-type Wagon 6" Scale Built 2003 Reg KAX 129 Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7272 
 Burrell miniature 4" scale SCC road locomotive 'Bod', built in 2000 reg no W347 XAH. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature 4" Scale SCC Road Locomotive Bod Built 2000 Reg W347 XAH Collection Gathering Lineup Traction Engines Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Main Arena Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7285 
 Miniature steam wagons at the Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014. 
 Keywords: Miniature Wagon Waggons Lorries Collection Gathering Traction Engine Wheel Wheels Transport Model Kit Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 7757 
 Foster 4 inch Agricultural Traction Engine 'Cairngorm'. 
 Keywords: Foste 4 Inch Agricultural Traction Engine Cairngorm Miniature Chimney Steam Smoke Black Flywheel Haul Haulage Whistle Boiler Coal Wheel Wheels
IMG 8253 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Annie'. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Annie Miniature Steam Smoke Chimney Coal Boiler Flywheel Driver Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Green Black Red Transport Haul Haulage
IMG 8260C 
 Foster Traction Engine 'Taurus', built in 1988 reg no Q819 ABL. Based on Foster engine 14410 'Sprig', 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine Taurus Built 1988 Reg Q819 ABL Based Foster Engine 14410 Sprig Miniature Green Red Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Coal Steam Smoke Boiler Pull Pulling Carry Transport
IMG 8319 
 Foden C Type Lorry 4 inch scale, built in 1989 reg no Q755 VBD. 
 Keywords: Foden C Type Lorry 4 Inch Scale Built 1989 Reg Q755 VBD Miniature Wagon Sutcliffe Haulage Contractor Green Red Chimney Coal Steam Smoke Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Whistle Flywheel
IMG 8389 
 Foster Traction Engine 4 inch scale 'Ceres', built in 1991 reg no GP30 EJB. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Ceres Built 1991 Reg GP30 EJB Miniature Green Black Flywheel Chimney Seat Wheel Wheels Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Transport Driver Water
IMG 8957C 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 6 inch scale 'Simplicity', built in the early 90's. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 6 Inch Scale Simplicity Built Early 90's Miniature Red Black Engine Boiler Coal Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Driver
IMG 8960 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 6 inch scale 'Simplicity', built in the early 90's. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 6 Inch Scale Simplicity Built Early 90's Miniature Red Black Engine Boiler Coal Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Driver
IMG 9087 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9090 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9096 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9127 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9153 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9188 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9191 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9197 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9212 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9234 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9237 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9238 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Whitwell Steam Country Show 2014 Rally Hertfordshire Fair Driver Engineering Mechanical Boiler Coal Whistle Flywheel Chimney
IMG 9562 
 Foden Draw bar tractor 4 1/2 inch scale 'Gordon', reg no YN05 XTR. 
 Keywords: Foden Draw Bar Tractor 4 1/2 Inch Scale Gordon Reg YNO5 XTR Steam Engine Coal Blue Red Canopy Whistle Flywheel Governor Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Boiler Haul Haulage Coal Smoke
IMG 9568 
 Garrett Steam Engine 3 inch scale. 
 Keywords: Garrett Steam Engine 3 Inch Scale Coal Boiler Smoke Chimney Red Black Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Headlights Lamps Pull Haul Haulage Machinery Governor
IMG 9571 
 Foden Steam Bus 4 1/2 inch scale, based on Foden's brass band bus circa 1911. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Bus 4 1/2 Inch Scale Based Brass Band Circa 1911 Engine Miniature Chimney Red Smoke Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Boiler Headlights Lamps
IMG 9604 
 Burrell single cylinder Traction Engine 4 inch scale, refurbished 2005/6. 
 Keywords: Burrell Single Cylinder Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Refurbished 2005 2006 Miniature Coal Water Red Chimney Steam Smoke Boiler Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Man Pull Haul Haulage
IMG 9613 
 Burrell DCC road roller 4 inch scale 'Louise'. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Road Roller 4 Inch Scale Louise Tarmac Steam Miniature Engine Boiler Coal Smoke Steam Chimney Flywheel Roll Wheel Wheels Whistle Green Man Driver
IMG 9642 
 Foster Showmans Engine 4 inch scale, replica of original Showmans engine 'Peeping Tom'. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Engine 4 Inch Scale Replica Original Peeping Tom Steam Coal Miniature Showman Chimney Canopy Electricity Generate Wheel Wheels Boiler Whistle Flywheel Governor Smoke Fair Fairground
IMG 9677 
 Wm Allchin Ltd Traction Engine 6 inch scale 'Merlin', No 3521 built in 1990 reg no K56 UOD. Based on a general purpose engine. 
 Keywords: Wm Allchin Ltd Traction Engine 6 Inch Scale Merlin No 3521 Built 1990 Reg K56 UOD Based General Purpose Steam Coal Miniature Red Black Chimney Smoke Boiler Pull Haul Haulage Lights Lamps Wheel Wheels Flywheel Whistle Governor Headlights Cylinder Block Pressure
IMG 9697 
 Gathering of miniature & model steam engines. 
 Keywords: Gathering Miniature Steam Engine Engines Model Line Roller Tractor Waggonn Wagon Gathering Green Red Chimney Chimneys Smoke Flywheel Canopy Collection Wheel Wheels Pull Haul Haulage
IMG 9699 
 Lineup of miniature & model steam engines. 
 Keywords: Lineup Gathering Miniature Steam Engine Engines Model Line Roller Tractor Waggonn Wagon Gathering Chimney Chimneys Red Green Smoke Collection Pull Haul Haulage Machinery Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels
IMG 9703 
 Gathering of miniature & model steam engines. 
 Keywords: Gathering Miniature Steam Engine Engines Model Line Roller Tractor Waggonn Wagon Gathering Green Red Chimney Chimneys Flywheel Smoke Wheel Wheels Pull Haul Haulage Men Man
IMG 9721 
 Miniature & model steam engines, lined up in the Main Ring. 
 Keywords: Gathering Miniature Steam Engine Engines Lined Up Main Ring Model Line Roller Tractor Waggonn Wagon Gathering Collection Chimney Chimneys Flywheel Whistle Green Red Machinery Haul Haulage
IMG 9722 
 Burrell single cylinder traction engine 4 inch scale 'Champion', finished 2012. 
 Keywords: Burrell Single Cylinder Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale Champion Finished 2012 Coal Water Miniature Steam Chimney Boiler Green Red Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Smoke Flags Union Jack Headlights Lamps Pull Haul Haulage
IMG 9724 
 Line of miniature steam engines. 
 Keywords: Engine Coal Steam Traction Water Miniature Canopy Red Green Yellow Showman's Engines Chimney Chimneys Wheel Wheels Smoke Boiler Whistle Flywheel Collection Gathering
IMG 9730 
 Gathering of miniature & model steam engines. 
 Keywords: Gathering Miniature Steam Engine Engines Model Line Roller Tractor Waggonn Wagon Gathering Collection Chimney Chimneys Wheel Wheels Whistle Smoke Flywheel Red Yellow
IMG 9731 
 Gathering of miniature & model steam engines. 
 Keywords: Gathering Miniature Steam Engine Engines Model Line Roller Tractor Waggonn Wagon Chimney Chimneys Smoke Boiler Boilers Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Headlights Lamps Gathering Collection
IMG 9736 
 Foster Traction engine 4 inch scale 'My Beauty', built in 2007. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine 4 Inch Scale My Beauty Built 2007 Coal Water Steam Miniature Smoke Chimney Green Red Boiler Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Pull Haul Haulage Transport Man
IMG 9764 
 Foden C Steam Wagon 6 inch scale 'Lady Emily', built in 2006. 
 Keywords: Foden C Steam Wagon 6 Inch Scale Lady Emily Traction Engine Coal Miniature Smoke Chimney Canopy Green Red Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Flywheel Lorry Waggon Whistle Governor
IMG 9778 
 Burrell Devonshire SCC Showmans Engine 6 inch scale 'Merlin'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Devonshire SCC Showmans Engine 6 Inch Scale Merlin Coal Steam Red Chimney Wheel Wheels Smoke Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Tow Machinery
IMG 9910 
 Marshall Traction Engine No 230635 'Little Old Nick', built in 2002. 6 inch scale model of Marshall 'Old Nick'. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine Little Old Nick No 230635 6 Inch Scale Built 2002 Coal Miniature Red Wheel Wheels Chimney Boiler Whistle Governor Steam Smoke Pull Haul Haulage Cart Machinery Flywheel

Showmans Road Locomotive Engines (41 files)

Showmans Road Locomotive Engines and their smaller tractor counterparts. Also lineup's and gathering of Showmans Engines. Please note that dates quoted are the original dates of manufacture.
IMG 0023 
 Aveling & Porter (Conversion) Showmans Tractor 4nhp 'Firefly', No 7778 built in 1912 reg no OS 803. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Showmans Tractor 4nhp Firefly No 7778 Built 1912 Reg OS 803 Conversion Steam Coal Fairground Lights Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Electricity Generate Power Lights Lighting Showman
IMG 0459C 
 Burrell Scenic Showmans Engine 8nhp 'No 1', No 3865 reg no DH 2507 built in 1920. 
 Keywords: Burrell Scenic Showmans Engine 8nhp No 1 3865 Reg DH 2507 Built 1920 Coal Steam Fairground Electricity Generate Generator Canopy Flywheel Brass Whistle Governor Machinery Power Light Lights Wheel Wheels
 Foster Showmans Engine 'Pride Of Essex', No 13036 built in 1912 reg no FE 1079. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Engine Pride Of Essex No 13036 Built 1912 Reg FE 1079 Coal Fairground Electricity Dynamo Generator Lights Canopy Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Red Yellow Colourful Generate Driver Showman Machinery
IMG 1617 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive Engine 8nhp 'The Masterpiece', No 2072 built in 1898 reg no AD 8786. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive Engine 8nhp The Masterpiece No 2072 Reg AD 8786 Built 1898 Coal Steam Fairground Lights Electricity Canopy Chimney Generator Flywheel Wheels Wheels Whistle Brass Red Black Pull Haul Haulage Drover Steer Steering Machinery
IMG 1826 
 Line of Showmans Engines at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Line Showmans Engines Great Dorset Steam GDSF Fair Collection Gathering Coal Steam Generator Electricity Fairground Chimneys Smoke Colour Colourful Flywheel Wheel Wheel Brass Whistle Machinery Haul Light Bulb Lighting Generate
IMG 2311 
 Aveling & Porter showmans tractor 4nhp 5 tons 'The Rising Sun', No 7414 built in 1911 reg no EB 075. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 Tons The Rising Sun No 7414 Built 1911 Reg EB 075 Canopy Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Fariground Steam Coal Boiler Chimney Wheel Wheels Transport Power Haul Haulage
IMG 3503 
 Showmans Engine lineup at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Showmans Engine Lineup Line Gathering Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Fairground Power Generate Dynamo Electricity
IMG 3508 
 Burrell Showmans Scenic Engine 'Ex-Mayor', No 4000 built in 1924 reg no WT 8606. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Scenic Engine Ex-Mayor No 4000 Built 1924 Reg WT 8606 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Fairground Electricity Generate Dynamo Lights Rides Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3941 
 Fowler B6 Super Lion Showmans Engine 10nhp 'The Lion', No 19782 built in 1932 reg no UB 9763. 
 Keywords: Fowler B6 Super Lion Showmans Engine 10nhp The Lion No 19782 Built 1932 Reg UB 9763 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Fairground Generate Dynamo Canopy Lights Electricity Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 4720 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Majestic', No 3890 built in 1922 reg no CR 6645. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp Majestic No 3890 Built 1922 Reg CR 6645 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Yellow Gold Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Electricity Power Generate Lights Lighting
IMG 5016 
 John Fowler & Co Showmans (conversion) Road Locomotive 'Evening Queen', No 17578 built in 1928 reg no UA 5597. 
 Keywords: John Fowler & Co Showmans Road Locomotive Evening Queen No 17578 Built 1928 Reg UA 5597 Conversion Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Electricity Generate Power Light Lighting
IMG 5053 
 Burrell Showmans DCC Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Earl Haig', No 3979 built in 1924 reg no YA 9138. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans DCC Road Locomotive 8nhp Earl Haig No 3979 Built 1924 Reg YA 9138 Chimney Boiler Coal Canopy Fairground Fair Showman Generate Electricity Dynamo Flywheel Transport Rides
IMG 5093 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 18 Tons 'Prince Of Wales', No 14948 built in 1918 reg no EB 4999. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive Engine 8nhp 18 Tons Prince Of Wales No 14948 Built 1918 Reg EB 4999 Road Locomotive Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Generate Electricity Power Lights Lighting Pull
IMG 5094 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp 'Prince Of Wales', No 14948 built in 1917 reg no EB 4999. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp Prince Of Wales No 14948 Built 1917 Reg EB 4999 Red Gold Engine Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Generate Electricity Dynamo Lights Fair Fairground Rides Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 5833 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 10nhp 19.5 tons 'Carry On', No 14425 built in 191916 reg no DP 4418. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 10nhp 19.5 Tons Carry On No 14425 Built 191916 Reg DP 4418 Fairground Generate Dynamo Canopy Lights Electricity Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 5917 
 Burrell Showmans Engine 5nhp 'Margaret', No 3926 built in 1922 reg no NO 4999. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Engine 5nhp Margaret No 3926 Built 1922 Reg NO 4999 Fairground Electricity Generate Generator Bulb Flywheel Coal Wheel Wheels Red Gold Whistle Governor
IMG 6368 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Star', No 3423 built in 1912 reg no CJ 4152. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp Star No 3423 Built 1912 Reg CJ 4152 Chimney Boiler Coal Traction Engine Flywheel Whistle Governor Haul Haulage Fair Fairground Wheel Wheels Lights Generate Electricity Dynamo
IMG 6479 
 Aveling & Porter Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 tons 'Julie', No 6093 built in 1906 reg no D 2800. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 Tons Julie No 6093 Built 1906 Reg D 2800 Canopy Red Gold Chimney Fair Fairground Generate Electricity Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Rides Power Flywheel Bulbs
IMG 6526 
 Garrett showmans tractor 4CDS 4nhp 7 tons 'Henry', No 33545 built in 1919 reg no BJ 4384. 
 Keywords: Garrett Showmans Tractor 4CDS 4nhp 7 Tons Henry No 33545 Built 1919 Reg BJ 4384 Canopy Red Fairground Generate Electricity Flywheel Boiler Coal Wheel Wheels Transport
IMG 6658 
 Three Showmans Engines in-front of the fairground, at the Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014. 
 Keywords: Three Showmans Engines Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 6930 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive DCC 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive DCC 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars
IMG 7028 
 Foster showmans tractor 4nhp 'Endeavour', works No 14066 built in 1915 reg no FE 1589. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Tractor 4nhp Endeavour Works No 14066 Built 1915 Reg FE 1589 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7029 
 Burrell DCC showmans tractor 4nhp 5 ton 'Peter Pan', works No 3433 built in 1912 reg no AH 0108. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 Ton Peter Pan Works No 3433 Built 1912 Reg AH 0108 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7030 
 Burrell DCC showmans tractor 4nhp 5 ton 'Peter Pan', works No 3433 built in 1912 reg no AH 0108. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 Ton Peter Pan Works No 3433 Built 1912 Reg AH 0108 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7032 
 Foster showmans tractor 4nhp 'Endeavour', works No 14066 built in 1915 reg no FE 1589. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Tractor 4nhp Endeavour Works No 14066 Built 1915 Reg FE 1589 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7446 
 Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp 'Princess Royal', works No 3789 built in 1921 reg no SW 742. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp Princess Royal Works No 3789 Built 1921 Reg SW 742 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7451 
 Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp 'Princess Royal', works No 3789 built in 1921 reg no SW 742. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp Princess Royal Works No 3789 Built 1921 Reg SW 742 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7550 
 Foster Showmans Engine 5nhp 'Victoria', works No 14564 built in 1926 reg no FE 8055. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Engine 5nhp Victoria Works No 14564 Built 1926 Reg FE 8055 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7625 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp 'Margaret', No 3926 built in 1922 reg no NO 4999. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp Margaret No 3926 Built 1922 Reg NO 4999 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Red Black Gold Generate Electricity Dynamo Fair Fairground Henry Thurston & Sons Caterers Rugby Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Pull Pulling Transport
IMG 7680 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 7928 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Star', No 3423 built in 1912 reg no CJ 4152. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp Star No 3423 Built 1912 Reg CJ 4152 Fair Fairgound T. Pettigrove Amusement Caterer Rides Electricity Dynamo Lights Power Chimney Canopy Red Gold Black Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Boiler Coal Smoke Steam
IMG 9099 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars
IMG 9103 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Star', No 3423 built in 1912 reg no CJ 4152. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp Star No 3423 Built 1912 Reg CJ 4152 Fair Fairgound T. Pettigrove Amusement Caterer Rides Electricity Dynamo Lights Power Chimney Canopy Red Gold Black Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Boiler Coal Smoke Steam
IMG 9820 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'His Lordship', No 3444 built in 1913 reg no CK 3403. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp His Lordship No 3444 Built 1913 Reg CK 3403 Steam Coal Fairground Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Generate Electricity Showman Lights Lighting Power
IMG 9845 
 Foster Showmans Tractor 4nhp 'Robin Hood', No 14431 built in 1920 reg no FE 3217. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Tractor 4nhp Robin Hood No 14431 Built 1920 Reg FE 3217 Steam Coal Fairground Lights Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Yellow Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Showman Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9855 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp 'Prince Of Wales', No 14948 built in 1917 reg no EB 4999. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp Prince Of Wales No 14948 Built 1917 Reg EB 4999 Red Gold Engine Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Generate Electricity Dynamo Lights Fair Fairground Rides Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 9860 
 Aveling & Porter Showmans Conversion Engine 4nhp 'Billy Boy', No 14070 built in 1930 reg no VN 2094. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Showmans Conversion Engine 4nhp Billy Boy No 14070 Built 1930 Reg VN 2094 Tractor Coal Steam Fairground Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Showman
IMG 9866 
 Fowler Showmans Conversion Tractor 'Yorksire Belle', No 14321 built in 1916 reg no BT 4580. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Conversion Tractor Yorkshire Belle No 14321 Built 1916 Reg BT 4580 Coal Steam Engine Fairground Canopy Chimney Smoke Generate Electricity Brass Red Yellow Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Steering Showman Driver Mechanical Machinery
IMG 9870 
 Garrett Showmans Tractor 4nhp 'Queen Of Great Britain', No 33486 built in 1919, reg no AD 8787. 
 Keywords: Garrett Showmans Tractor 4nhp Queen Of Great Britain No 33486 Built 1919 Reg AD 8787 Steam Coal Engine Fairground Canopy Chimney Smoke Electricity Generator Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Governor Whistle Pull Haul Haulage Traction Driver Steer Steering
IMG 9918C 
 Fowler Showmans Conversion Engine 'D.C. Ver', No 15970 built in 1924 reg no NW 6092. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Conversion Engine D.C.Ver No 15970 Built 1924 Reg NW 6092 Tractor Coal Steam Canopy Chimney Smoke Generate Electricity Red Gold Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Driver Lights Lighting Machinery Haul Haulage
IMG 9979 
 Fowler Showmans Tractor 'Galaxy', No 19481 built in 1935 reg no 497 UXF. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Tractor Galaxy No 19481 Built 1935 Reg 497 UXF Steam Engine Coal Boiler Generate Electricity Brass Whistle Governor Red Gold Lights Lighting Wheel Wheels Flywheel Machinery Showman

Steam Engine & Fairground Equipment. (24 files)

Detail photos of Steam powered machines and equipment, including Traction Engines, Road Rollers and other items relating to Steam Rallies, Fairs and Fairgrounds.
 Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons 'Icklingham Flyer', No 3510, built in 1913 reg no M 4673. Boiler front door and name badge detail. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons Icklingham Flyer No 3510 Built 1913 Reg M 4673 Boiler Front Door Detail Name Plate Canopy Chimney Coal Flywheel Tyre Tyres Smoke Coal Haul Haulage Carry Flatbed Green Pull Pulling Machinery
IMG 0462 
 Burrell Steam Engine 7nhp 'Jessie', No 3923 built in 1922 reg no EW 3026. Cylinder block and driver detail. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Engine 7nhp Jessie Reg No 3923 Built 1922 Reg EW 3026 Cylinder Block Driver Detail Pressure Valves Coal Haul Haulage Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Chimney Brass Red Black Governor Machinery Whistle Machinery Driver Machine Coal
IMG 0496 
 Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons 'Icklingham Flyer', No 3510, built in 1913 reg no M 4673. Cab detail 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons Icklingham Flyer No 3510 Built 1913 Reg M 4673 Cab Detail Canopy Chimney Coal Flywheel Boiler Tyre Tyres Smoke Coal Haul Haulage Carry Flatbed Green Pull Pulling Machinery
IMG 0842 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. Cylinder and Flywheel detail. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 Reg BE 8003 Cylinder Flywheel Detail Steam Boiler Green Red Black Cylinder Block Wheel Wheels Canopy Chimney Whistle Transport Coal Governor Mechanical
IMG 0855 
 Steam Traction Engine Flywheel detail. 
 Keywords: Steam Traction Engine Flywheel Detail Cylinder Mechanical Red Gold Engineering Wheel Piston Boiler
IMG 0943 
 Garrett Traction Engine Miniature 'Tilly', reg no Q446 JJO. Cylinder block detail. 
 Keywords: Garrett Traction Engine Miniature Tilly Reg Q446 JJO Cylinder Block Detail Steam Smoke Pressure Whistle Chain Governor Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Green Black Red Gold Brass
IMG 1217 
 Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Road Roller 10 Tons 5nhp 'Mona', No 4604 built in 1900 reg no PM 2141. Chimney and Cylinder Block detail. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Road Roller 10 Tons 5nhp Mona No 4604 Built 1900 Reg PM 2141 Chimney Cylinder Block Detail Smoke Coal Boiler Flywheel Red Black Whistle Heavy Haul Haulage Tarmac Construction
IMG 1495C 
 Marshall Traction Engine boiler, livery, and flywheel detail. 'Jimmie B'. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine Boiler Livery Flywheel Detail Jimmie B Coal Haul Haulage Light
IMG 1680 
 Burrell Showmans Engine 8nhp 'The Masterpiece', No 2072 reg no AD 8786 built in 1898. Front detail. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Engine 8nhp The Masterpiece No 2072 Reg AD 8786 Built 1898 Front Detail Coal Steam Generator Fairground Electricity Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Colourful Canopy Governor Pull Haul Haulage Steer Steering Driver
IMG 2934 
 Aveling Road Roller side flywheel detail. 
 Keywords: Aveling Road Roller Side Flywheel Detail Red Green Chimney Horn Transport Roads Manufacturing Mechanical
IMG 3285 
 McLaren Road Locomotive 8nhp 'King Harry', No 1181 built in 1912 reg no BF 4595. Name plate detail. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Locomotive 8nhp King Harry No 1181 Built 1912 Reg BF 4595 Name Plate Detail Name Plate Plaque Black Gold Brass Flywheel Canopy Star
IMG 4575 
 John Fowler & Co Steam Engine 'Lord Of The Isles' boiler detail. 
 Keywords: John Fowler & Co Steam Engine Lord Of The Isles Boiler Detail Coal Flywheel Name Plate Copper Pipe
IMG 4689 
 Steam Engine Chimney detail. 
 Keywords: Steam Engine Chimney Detail Traction Engine Equipment Coal Haulage Boiler Chimneys Black Canopy Flywheel Smoke Metal Copper Pipes
IMG 5740 
 Charles Burrell & Sons Steam Engine, cylinder block detail. 
 Keywords: Charles Burrell & Sons Steam Engine Cylinder Block Piston Valves Pressure Detail Traction Coal Haulage Whistle Governor Pipe Brass Flywheel Piston Id Plate Mechanical Transport
IMG 5757C 
 Steam Engine 'Carry On', sign detail. 
 Keywords: Steam Engine Carry On Sign Detail Coal Traction Engine Haulage Haul Flywheel Signage Red Maroon Livery Rod
IMG 6421 
 Marshall Traction Engine 11 Tons 7nhp, 'Old Nick' No 49725 built in 1908, reg BW 4509, cylinder block and detail of boiler. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine 11 Tons 7nhp Old Nick No 49725 Built 1908 Reg BW 4509 Cylinder Block Piston Pressure Detail Boiler Red Logo Insignia Governor Whistle Safety Valve Flywheel
IMG 6431 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp 'Princess Mary', No 73901 built in 1920 reg no NO 1213, name plate detail. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp Princess Mary No 73901 Built 1920 Reg NO 1213 Name Plate Detail Green Red Yellow Flywheel Boiler Coal Steam Smoke Haul Haulage Brass Plaque
IMG 6454 
 Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine 19 Ton 'Achilles', No 15182 built in 1918 reg no HO 5869, cylinder block and boiler mechanics detail. 
 Keywords: Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine 19 Ton Achilles No 15182 Built 1918 Reg HO 5869 Cylinder Block Piston Valves Detail Boiler Mechanics Flywheel Pipes Black Red Yellow Name Plate Haul Haulage Agriculture Farming Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Transport
IMG 6531C 
 Robey & Co Ltd, cylinder block, governor and safety valve detail. 
 Keywords: Robey & Co Ltd Cylinder Block Piston Valves Governor Safety Valve Detail Engineers Lincoln Red Black Green Flywheel Bolier Smoke Steam Engine Traction Whistle Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 6647 
 Fowler Tiger Steam Engine 'Mr Blower' cylinder block detail. 
 Keywords: Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor Engine Mr Blower No 15288 Built 1919 Reg U 4952 Cylinder Block Piston Valve Pressure Detail Coal Haulage Red Sign Livery Gold Flywheel Yellow Pin Metal Pipes Copper
IMG 9065 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp 'Fair Rosamund', No 7370 built in 1914 reg no BL 4707. Rear wheel detail. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp Fair Rosamund No 7370 Built 1914 Reg BL 4707 Rear Detail Green Black Chimney Flywheel Coal Bolier Steam Smoke Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Pull Pulling Traction Whistle Governor
IMG 9148 
 Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4nhp 'King George V', No 3554 built in 1914 reg no AH 0181. Close up detail of engine, cylinder head and mechanics. 
 Keywords: Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4nhp King George V No 3554 Built 1914 Reg AH 0181 Close Up Detail Engine Cylinder Head Piston Mechanics Red Yellow Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Tyre Driver Transport Haul Haulage Pull Pulling
IMG 9460 
 John Fowler & Co No 13881 ploughing Engine steel wire drum detail. 
 Keywords: John Fowler & Co AA6 Ploughing Engine No 13881 Reg NO 372 Built 1913 Steel Wire Drum Detail Farm Farming Agriculture Pulley Wheel Metal Black Cog Flywheel
IMG 9475 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam Engine, cylinder block detail. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine Cylinder Block Pressure Valves Piston Detail Steam Green Red Flywheel

Steam Powered Vehicles (9 files)

Steam powered vehicles, including Busses, Wagons, Cars, Trucks. Please note that dates quoted are the original date of manufacture.
IMG 0488 
 Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons 'The Icklingham Flyer', No 3510, built in 1913 reg no M 4673. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons The Icklingham Flyer No 3510 Built 1913 Reg M 4673 Canopy Chimney Coal Flywheel Boiler Tyre Tyres Smoke Coal Haul Haulage Carry Flatbed Green Pull Pulling Machinery Whistle
IMG 1151 
 Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp 'Talisman', works No 12300 later No 13484 built in 1925 reg no LG 8784. 
 Keywords: Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp Talisman Works No 12300 Later 13484 Built 1925 Reg LG 8784 Chimney Boiler Engine Steam Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Red Black Yellow Carry Haul Haulage
IMG 1282 
 Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons 'Icklingham Flyer', No 3510, built in 1913 reg no M 4673. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Wagon 4 Tons Icklingham Flyer No 3510 Built 1913 Reg M 4673 Canopy Chimney Coal Flywheel Boiler Tyre Tyres Smoke Coal Haul Haulage Carry Flatbed Green Pull Pulling Machinery
IMG 1311 
 Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp 'Talisman', works No 12300 later No 13484 built in 1925 reg no LG 8784. 
 Keywords: Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp Talisman Works No 12300 Later 13484 Built 1925 Reg LG 8784 Chimney Boiler Engine Steam Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Red Black Yellow Carry Haul Haulage
IMG 2336 
 6 inch scale Foden C-Type Wagon 'Loyd George', built in 2006. 
 Keywords: 6 Inch scale Foden C-Type Wagon Loyd George Built 2006 Coal Haulage Steam Red Waggon Chimney Smoke Boiler Machinery Merchants Bradford Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Carry Goods Haul Truck Lorry
IMG 7538 
 Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp 'Talisman', works No 12300 later No 13484 built in 1925 reg no LG 8784. Rear view. 
 Keywords: Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp Talisman Works No 12300 Later 13484 Built 1925 Reg LG 8784 Rear View Chimney Boiler Engine Steam Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Red Black Yellow Carry Haul Haulage
IMG 7566 
 Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp 'Talisman', works No 12300 later No 13484 built in 1925 reg no LG 8784. 
 Keywords: Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp Talisman Works No 12300 Later 13484 Built 1925 Reg LG 8784 Chimney Boiler Engine Steam Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Red Black Yellow Carry Haul Haulage
IMG 7846 
 Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp 'Talisman', works No 12300 later No 13484 built in 1925 reg no LG 8784. 
 Keywords: Foden C Type Estate Tractor 4nhp Talisman Works No 12300 Later 13484 Built 1925 Reg LG 8784 Chimney Boiler Engine Steam Smoke Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Tyre Tyres Transport Red Black Yellow Carry Haul Haulage
IMG 9824C 
 Foden Steam Waggon 'Isabella', No 1427 built in 1907 reg no BF 5148. 
 Keywords: Foden Steam Waggon Isabella No 1427 Built 1907 Reg BF 5148 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Wagon Waggon

Steam Road Rollers (133 files)

Steam Road Rollers from the late 18th to the mid 19th Century. Please note that dates quoted are the original date of manufacture.
IMG 0026C 
 Fowler T3 Steam Road Roller 'Jenny', No 15973 built in 1924 reg no BW 7794. 
 Keywords: Fowler T3 Steam Road Roller Jenny No 15973 Built 1924 Reg BW 7794 Tarmac Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 0479C 
 Fowler Steam Road Roller 5nhp 'Bonny Lass', No 19546 built in 1935 reg no SR 9484. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Road Roller 5nhp Bonny Lass No 19546 Reg SR 9484 Built 1935 Engine Haul Haulage Coal Tarmac Canopy Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machinery Brass Brown Governor Roll
IMG 0520C 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 4nhp 'Queen Jubilee', No 10994 built in 1924 reg no WT 6042. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller Queen Jubilee 4nhp Built 1924 Reg WT 6042 Tarmac Engine Haulage Coal Canopy Chimney Boiler Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Governor Machinery Haul Roll
IMG 0682 
 Aveling & Barford Steam Road Roller 4nhp 'Lady Helen', No 621 built in 1937 reg no GMK 939. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Barford Steam Road Roller 4nhp Lady Helen No 621 Built 1937 GMK 939 Tarmac Green Coal Haulage Haul Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steering Driver Machinery Pull Roll Rolling
IMG 1032 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller BS10 10 Tons 6nhp 'Bertha', No 9370 built in 1921 reg no YA 1177. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller BS10 10 Tons 6nhp Bertha No 9370 Built 1921 Reg YA 1177 Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Flywheel Chimney Wheel Wheels Green Black Tarmac Transport Vehicle Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 1115 
 Ruston & Hornsby 5nhp 12 Ton Road Roller 'Moonlight Magic', No 158623 built in 1930 reg no UR 5657. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Hornsby 5nhp 12 Ton Road Roller Moonlight Magic No 158623 Built 1930 Reg UR 5657 Green Red Chimney Canopy Wheel Wheels Flywheel Boiler Coal Steam Smoke Canopy Machine Machinery
IMG 1925 
 Walliss & Steevens Expansion Road Roller 10 tons 'Big Emma', No 2357 built in 1896 reg no HO 6139. 
 Keywords: Walliss & Steevens Expansion Road Roller 10 Tons Big Emma No 2357 Built 1896 HO 6139 Steam Engine Tarmac Coal Canopy Chimney Green Roll Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machinery
IMG 2153 
 Wallis & Steevens 'Expansion' 10 Ton Steam Roller 'Big Emma', No 2357 built in 1896 reg no HO 6139. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion 10 Ton Steam Roller Big Emma No 2357 Built 1896 Reg HO 6139 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Green Black Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Machine Machinery Tarmac Road Roads
IMG 2173 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp 'Stonybroke', No 10282 built in 1916 reg no FX 9005. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp Stonybroke No 10282 Built 1916 Reg FX 9005 Steam Traction Chimney Whistle Flywheel Canopy Wheel Wheels Coal Boiler Roads Tarmac Transport Green Red Black Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 2192 
 Wallis & Steevens 'Expansion' 10 Ton Steam Roller 'Big Emma', No 2357 built in 1896 reg no HO 6139. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion 10 Ton Steam Roller Big Emma No 2357 Built 1896 Reg HO 6139 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Green Black Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Machine Machinery Tarmac Road Roads
IMG 2223 
 Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller 'Semper Fidelis', No 10455 built in 1922 erg no FX 9806. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller Semper Fidelis No 10455 Built 1922 Reg FX 9806 Eddison Steam Rolling Company Green Black Canopy Chimney Flywheel Smoke Coal Boiler Wheel Wheels Chains Steering Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Mechanical Transport Construction
IMG 2225 
 Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Road Roller 'Amy', No 14062 built in 1930 reg no HV 861. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Road Roller Amy No 14062 Built 1930 Reg HV 861 Steam Chimney Canopy Flywheel Wheel Wheels Green Brown Pulling Haul Haulage Tarmac Construction Roads Transport Machine Machinery Mechanical
IMG 2227 
 Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller 'Semper Fidelis', No 10455 built in 1922 erg no FX 9806. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller Semper Fidelis No 10455 Built 1922 Reg FX 9806 Eddison Steam Rolling Company Green Black Canopy Chimney Flywheel Smoke Coal Boiler Wheel Wheels Chains Steering Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Mechanical Transport Construction
IMG 2229 
 Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Steam Road Roller 'Amy', No 14062 built in 1930 reg no HV 861. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Road Roller Amy No 14062 Built 1930 Reg HV 861 Steam Chimney Canopy Flywheel Wheel Wheels Green Brown Pulling Haul Haulage Tarmac Construction Roads Transport Machine Machinery Mechanical
IMG 2233 
 Fowler Steam Road Roller 12 tons 'Arfur', No 18659 built in 1930 reg no 3969 DG. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Road Roller 12 Tons Arfur No 18659 Built 1930 Reg 3969 DG Smoke Engine Boiler Coal Chimney Flywheel Green Red Canopy Wheel Wheels Cylinder Block Valves Pressure Driver Roads Tarmac Heavy Haul Haulage
IMG 2357C 
 Burrell Road Roller 10 Tons 5nhp 'Daffodil', No 3991 built in 1924 reg no AF 9803. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Roller 10 Ton 5nhp Daffodil No 3991 Built 1924 Reg AF 9803 Road Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Steer Steering Brass Whistle Governor Roll Haul Haulage Pull Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Brown
IMG 2403C 
 Fowler 8 Ton Road Roller 'Bacchus', No 19049 built in 1931 reg no TK 6488. 
 Keywords: Fowler 8 Ton Road Roller Bacchus No 19049 Built 1931 Reg TK 6488 Steam Coal Canopy Flywheel Wheel Wheels Chimney Smoke Roll Brass Brown Whistle Governor Machine Machinery Driver
IMG 2831 
 Aveling & Porter Class O 3nhp 6 ton coffee pot tandem Steam Road Roller 'Buster', No 11363 built in 1925 reg no 1 IF. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class O 3nhp 6 Ton Coffee Pot Tandem Road Roller Buster No 11363 Built 1925 Reg 1 IF Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Engineering
IMG 2832 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 6nhp 'Rusty Nuts', No 11788 built in 1927 reg no CJ 9720. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 6nhp Rusty Nuts No 11788 Built 1927 Reg CJ 9720 Coal Engine Canopy Chimney Smoke Whistle Brass GreenGreat Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Flywheel Metal Haul Haulage
IMG 2915 
 Fowler Class T3A Single Cylinder 6 ton Steam Road Roller 'Princess Caroline', No 18843 built in 1930 reg no EXX 760. 
 Keywords: Fowler Class T3A Single Cylinder 6 Ton Road Roller Princess Caroline No 18843 Built 1930 Reg EXX 760 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Red Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Engineering
IMG 3051 
 Ruston & Hornsby Steam Road Roller at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Hornsby Steam Road Roller Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Canopy
IMG 3062 
 Winschoter 8 ton Steam Road Roller No 1 'Jumbo', built in 1925 reg no K60 222. Only known Dutch steam roller in the world. 
 Keywords: Winschoter 8 Ton Road Roller No 1 Jumbo Built 1925 Reg K60 222 Only Known Dutch Steam Roller In The World Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3084 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 6nhp 'Rusty Nuts', No 11788 built in 1927 reg no CJ 9720. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 6nhp Rusty Nuts No 11788 Built 1927 Reg CJ 9720 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Canopy
IMG 3090 
 Fowler Class T3 4nhp Compound 8 ton Steam Road Roller 'Sovereign', No 16395 built in 1925 reg no MB 8481. 
 Keywords: Fowler Class T3 4nhp Compound 8 Ton Road Roller Sovereign No 16395 Built 1925 Reg MB 8481 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Red Canopy Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3192 
 Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 ton Steam Road Roller 'Golly', No 10486 built in 1923 reg no FX 9966. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 Ton Road Roller Golly No 10486 Built 1923 Reg FX 9966 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Eddison Road Rolling Company Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3199 
 Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 ton Steam Road Roller 'Golly', No 10486 built in 1923 reg no FX 9966. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 Ton Road Roller Golly No 10486 Built 1923 Reg FX 9966 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Eddison Road Rolling Company Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3201 
 Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 ton Steam Road Roller 'Golly', No 10486 built in 1923 reg no FX 9966. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 Ton Road Roller Golly No 10486 Built 1923 Reg FX 9966 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Eddison Road Rolling Company Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3234 
 Wallis & Steevens 5nhp Single Cylinder 10 ton Steam Road Roller 'Sir Lancelot', No 7779 built in 1923 reg no HO 6260. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens 5nhp Single Cylinder 10 Ton Road Roller Sir Lancelot No 7779 Built 1923 Reg HO 6260 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Canopy
IMG 3332 
 Fowler Class DN 4nhp Single Cylinder 10 ton tar sprayer roller 'Hilda', No 15589 built in 1921 reg no U 8709. One of only 3 known tar sprayers left. 
 Keywords: Fowler Class DN 4nhp Single Cylinder 10 Ton Tar Sprayer Roller Hilda No 15589 Built 1921 Reg U 8709 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3386 
 Aveling & Porter Class D 4nhp Compound 8 ton Steam Road Roller, No 11024 built in 1924 reg no BF 6234. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class D 4nhp Compound 8 ton Road Roller No 11024 Built 1924 Reg BF 6234 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Engineering
IMG 3391 
 Aveling & Porter Class D 4nhp Compound 8 ton Steam Road Roller 'Walter', No 10348 built in 1922 reg no NO 5890. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class D 4nhp Compound 8 Ton Road Roller Walter No 10348 Built 1922 Reg NO 5890 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Green Canopy
IMG 3393 
 Aveling & Porter Class BL 3nhp Single Cylinder 6 ton Steam Road Roller 'Ophelia', No 8794 built in 1917 reg no FX 7043. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class BL 3nhp Single Cylinder 6 Ton Road Roller Ophelia No 8794 Built 1917 Reg FX 7043 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3400 
 Marshall Steam Road Roller. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Road Roller Red Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3404 
 Line of Road Rollers at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Line Of Road Rollers Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Lineup Gathering Collection Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3456 
 Robey compound piston valve 10 ton tri-tandem Steam Road Roller, No 45655 built in 1930 reg no VL 2773. 
 Keywords: Robey Compound Piston Valve 10 ton Tri-Tandem Steam Road Roller No 45655 Built 1930 Reg VL 2773 Green Canopy Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3465 
 Wallis & Steevens 5nhp Compound Cylinder 10 ton Steam Road Roller 'Old Ken', No 7844 built in 1925 reg no HO 6442. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens 5nhp Compound Cylinder 10 Ton RoadRoller Old Ken No 7844 Built 1925 Reg HO 6442 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3472 
 Marshall Class S 5nhp 10 ton Steam Road Roller 'Omon', No 80608 built in 1926 reg no FG 1191. 
 Keywords: Marshall Class S 5nhp 10 Ton Road Roller Omon No 80608 Built 1926 Reg FG 1191 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Red Canopy Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3618 
 Winschoter 8 ton Steam Road Roller No 1 'Jumbo', built in 1925 reg no K60 222. Only known Dutch steam roller in the world. 
 Keywords: Winschoter 8 Ton Road Roller No 1 Jumbo Built 1925 Reg K60 222 Only known Dutch Steam Roller In The World Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3701 
 Steam Road Roller at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3755 
 Aveling & Porter Class RC10 5nhp Compound 10 ton Steam Road Roller 'Prince Albert', No 4765 built in 1901 reg no ME 2353. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class RC10 5nhp Compound 10 Ton Road Roller Prince Albert No 4765 Built 1901 Reg ME 2353 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Green
IMG 3857 
 Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 ton Steam Road Roller 'Viatect', No 11467 built in 1926 reg no CP 4694. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class C 4nhp Single Cylinder 8 Ton Road Roller Viatect No 11467 Built 1926 Reg CP 4694 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3859 
 Robey & Co 10 ton compound Steam Road Roller, No 32387 built in 1913 reg no DE 2592. 
 Keywords: Robey & Co 10 Ton Compound road roller No 32387 Built 1913 Reg DE 2592 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Canopy
IMG 3860 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3864 
 Aveling & Porter Class RC10 5nhp Compound 10 ton Steam Road Roller 'Prince Albert', No 4765 built in 1901 reg no ME 2353. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class RC10 5nhp Compound 10 Ton Road Roller Prince Albert No 4765 Built 1901 Reg ME 2353 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Green
IMG 3865 
 Robey & Co 10 ton compound Steam Road Roller, No 32387 built in 1913 reg no DE 2592. 
 Keywords: Robey & Co 10 Ton Compound Road Roller No 32387 Built 1913 Reg DE 2592 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Canopy
IMG 3866 
 Robey & Co 10 ton compound Steam Road Roller, No 32387 built in 1913 reg no DE 2592. 
 Keywords: Robey & Co 10 Ton Compound Road Roller No 32387 Built 1913 Reg DE 2592 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Canopy Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3868 
 Robey & Co 10 ton compound Steam Road Roller, No 32387 built in 1913 reg no DE 2592. 
 Keywords: Robey & Co 10 Ton Compound Road Roller No 32387 Built 1913 Reg DE 2592 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Canopy
IMG 3871 
 Robey 4nhp Compound Piston Valve 8.5 ton Tandem Steam Road Roller 'Bullet', No 42129 built in 1924 reg no RL 75. 
 Keywords: Robey 4nhp Compound Piston Valve 8.5 Ton Tandem Road Roller Bullet No 42129 Built 1924 Reg RL 75 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3877 
 Aveling & Porter R10 5nhp 10 ton Steam Road Roller diesel conversion, No 2291 built in 1887 reg no AX 3590. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter R10 5nhp 10 Ton Road Roller Diesel Conversion No 2291 Built 1887 Reg AX 3590 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Engine Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3879 
 Aveling & Porter Class R10 5nhp Single Cylinder 10 ton Steam Road Roller 'The Old Girl', No 2941 built in 1891 reg no AL 9463. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class R10 5nhp Single Cylinder 10 Ton Road Roller The Old Girl No 2941 Built 1891 Reg AL 9463 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Green
IMG 3905 
 Robey & Co 10 ton compound Steam Road Roller, No 32387 built in 1913 reg no DE 2592. 
 Keywords: Robey & Co 10 Ton Compound Road Roller No 32387 Built 1913 Reg DE 2592 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Canopy Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage
IMG 3932 
 Aveling & Porter Class A 3nhp Single Cylinder 6 ton Steam Road Roller 'Vera May', No 10564 built in 1923 reg no EL 7790. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Class A 3nhp Single Cylinder 6 ton Road Roller Vera May No 10564 Built 1923 Reg EL 7790 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Mechanical Rolling Roads Engineering Tarmac Construction Building Wheel Wheels Boiler Chimney Flywheel Metal Smoke Haul Haulage Green Canopy
IMG 4712 
 Aveling & Porter 'R10' Steam Road Roller 10 Tons 5nhp 'Mona', No 4604 built in 1900 reg no PM 2141. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Road Roller 10 Tons 5nhp Mona No 4604 Reg PM 2141 Built 1900 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Black Gold Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling Tarmac Construction
IMG 4719C 
 Ruston & Hornsby Steam Road Roller 'Moonlight Magic', No 158623 built in 1929 reg no UR 5657. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Hornsby Steam Road Roller Moonlight Magic No 158623 Built 1929 Reg UR 5657 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling Construction Tarmac
IMG 4727 
 Aveling & Porter 'F' type Compound Steam Roller 10 Tons 6nhp, No 11542 built in 1926 reg no RP 2925. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter F Type Compound Steam Roller 10 Tons 6nhp No 11542 Built 1926 Reg RP 2925 Engine Coal Boiler Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling Construction Tarmac
IMG 5072 
 Wallis & Steevens 'Expansion' Steam Roller 10 Tons 'Big Emma', No 2357 built in 1896 reg no HO 6139. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Steam Roller 10 Tons Big Emma No 2357 Built 1896 Reg HO 6139 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Green Black Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Machine Machinery Tarmac Road Roads
IMG 5088 
 Wallis & Steevens Advance Diesel Roller 10 Tons 'Wallis', No OMF/056869 Built in 1956 reg no POR 997. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Advance Diesel Roller 10 Tons Wallis No OMF/056869 Built 1956 Reg POR 997 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling Road Construction Pull Tarmac
IMG 5108 
 Aveling & Porter 'E' Type 10 Ton Steam Roller 'Janet', No 12103 built in 1928 reg no SM7013. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter E Type 10 Ton Steam Roller Janet 12103 Reg SM7013 Built 1928 Canopy Chimney Green Black Smoke Roll Rolling Machine Machinery Dumfries County Council Flywheel Whistle Governor
IMG 5111C 
 Aveling & Porter 'F' Type 10 Ton Compound Steam Roller, No 11542 built in 1926 reg RP 2925. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter F Type 10 Ton Compound Steam Roller 11542 Reg RP 2925 Built 1926 Green Black Red Flywheel Governor Whistle Smoke Pull Pulling Hauling Road Roads Flywheel
IMG 5145 
 Aveling & Porter BTD 8 TON Road Roller 4nhp 'Silver Streak', No 8753 built in 1916 reg no MKP 137. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter BTD 8 TON Road Roller 4nhp Silver Streak No 8753 Built 1916 Reg MKP 137 Steam Canopy Chimney Flywheel Smoke Whistle Governor Green Black Gold Pull Pulling Road Roads Machine Machinery Tarmac
IMG 5156 
 Fowler T3 Steam Roller 'Jenny', No 15973 built in 1924 reg no BW 7794. 
 Keywords: Fowler T3 Steam Roller Jenny No 15973 built in 1924 reg BW 7794 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Brown Black Gold Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Road Roads Tarmac
IMG 5665 
 Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Roller 5nhp 'Highwayman', No 9314 built in 1924 reg no HR 4399. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Roller 5nhp Highwayman No 9314 Built 1924 HR 4399 Coal Engine Tarmac Road Haulage Whistle Flywheel Chimney Green Machinery Governor
IMG 5855C 
 Ruston & Hornsby Road Roller 'Moonlight Magic', No 158623 built in 1930 reg no UR 5657. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Hornsby Steam Roller Moonlight Magic No 158623 Built 1930 UR 5657 Steam Coal Road Tarmac Canopy Haulage Flywheel Whistle Green Red Chimney
IMG 5880 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Roller 'Victoria', No 7600 built in 1912 Reg no MP 5185. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Roller Victoria No 7600 Reg MP 5185 Built 1912 Green Black Chimney Canopy Coal Bolier Smoke Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Road Roads Tarmac
IMG 5920 
 Fowler DND Steam Roller, No 17022 built in 1927 Reg no WW 4017. 
 Keywords: Fowler DND Steam Roller No 17022 Built 1927 Reg WW 4017 Canopy Brown Black Gold Canopy Chimney Coal Bolier Flywheel Wheel Wheels Governor Whistle Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Leeds
IMG 6377C 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp 'Stonybroke', No 10282 built in 1916 reg no FX 9005. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp Stonybroke No 10282 Built 1916 Reg FX 9005 Steam Traction Chimney Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Coal Boiler Roads Tarmac Transport Green Red Black Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 6421 
 Wallis & Steevens Advance 8 ton roller, No 7922 Built in 1927 Reg no PP 8588. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Advance 8 Ton Roller No 7922 Reg PP 8588 Built 1927 Steam Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Roll Rolling Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 6464C 
 Burrell 5nhp 10 Ton Steam Roller 'Ventongimps', No 4012, built in 1925 reg no RL 1254. 
 Keywords: Burrell 5nhp 10 Ton Steam Roller Ventongimps No 4012 Built 1925 Reg RL 1254 Red Black Chimney Flywheel Canopy Wheel Wheels Machine Machinery Coal Boiler Smoke Road Haul Haulage
IMG 6524 
 Ruston & Hornsby 5nhp 12 Ton Road Roller 'Moonlight Magic', No 158623 built in 1930 reg no UR 5657. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Hornsby 5nhp 12 Ton Road Roller Moonlight Magic No 158623 Built 1930 Reg UR 5657 Green Red Chimney Canopy Wheel Wheels Flywheel Boiler Coal Steam Smoke Canopy Machine Machinery
IMG 6561 
 Aveling & Porter 10 Ton Road Roller, No 9375, built in 1920 reg HR 5705. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter 10 Ton Road Roller No 9375 Built 1920 Reg HR 5705 Chimney Flywheel Green Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Tarmac Construction Boiler Coal Machine Machinery
IMG 6571 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 6574 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
 Fowler T3 Steam Road Roller 6 Tons 'Jenny', No 15973 built in 1924 reg no BW 7794. 
 Keywords: Fowler T3 Road Roller 6 Tons Jenny No 15973 Built 1924 Reg BW 7794 Steam Smoke Haul Haulage Construction Tarmac Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Governor Whistle Red Black Boiler Coal Cylinder Block Pressure Valves
IMG 6910C 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp 'Stonybroke', No 10282 built in 1916 reg no FX 9005. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp No 10282 Stonybroke Built 1916 Reg FX 9005 Steam Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Power Construction Roll Rolling
IMG 6982 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp 'Loretta', No 8752 built in 1916 reg no TA 2662. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller 8 Ton 4nhp Loretta No 8752 Built 1916 Reg TA 2662 Steam Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Construction Roll Rolling Power
IMG 6994C 
 Aveling & Porter 'R10' Steam Roller 10 Tons 5nhp 'Mona', No 4604 built in 1900 reg no PM 2141. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Roller Mona 10 Tons 5nhp No 4604 Built 1900 Reg PM 2141 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Power Construction Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling Power Construction
IMG 7035 
 Fowler Road Roller 8 Ton 'Bacchus', No 19049 built in 1931 reg no TK 6488. 
 Keywords: Fowler Road Roller 8 Ton Bacchus No 19049 Built 1931 Reg TK 6488 Engine Coal Boiler Steam Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Power Roll Rolling Boiler
IMG 7325 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 7339 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 7496 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering Strumpshaw Rally 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 7596 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller BS10 10 Tons 6nhp 'Bertha', No 9370 built in 1921 reg no YA 1177. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller BS10 10 Tons 6nhp Bertha No 9370 Built 1921 Reg YA 1177 Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Flywheel Chimney Wheel Wheels Green Black Tarmac Transport Vehicle Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 7605 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller 7nhp 'Jupiter', No 871 built in 1916 reg no SX 923. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller 7nhp Jupiter No 871 Built 1916 Reg SX 923 Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Chimney Canopy Flywheel Wheel Wheels Roads Tarmac Green Black Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Transport
IMG 7614 
 Wallis & Steevens 'Expansion' Steam Road Roller 'Big Emma', No 2357 built in 1896 reg no HO 6139. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Steam Road Roller Big Emma No 2357 Built 1896 Reg HO 6139 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Green Black Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Machine Machinery Tarmac Roads
IMG 7768C 
 Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Road Roller 10 Tons 5nhp 'Mona', No 4604 built in 1900 reg no PM 2141. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Road Roller 10 Tons 5nhp Mona No 4604 Built 1900 Reg PM 2141 Chimney Smoke Coal Boiler Flywheel Red Black Whistle Heavy Haul Haulage Tarmac Construction
IMG 7776C 
 Wallis & Steevens 'Expansion' Steam Road Roller 'Big Emma', No 2357 built in 1896 reg no HO 6139. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Steam Road Roller Big Emma No 2357 Built 1896 Reg HO 6139 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Green Black Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Machine Machinery Tarmac Roads
IMG 7779C 
 Wallis & Steevens 'Expansion' Steam Road Roller 'Big Emma', No 2357 built in 1896 reg no HO 6139. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Steam Road Roller Big Emma No 2357 Built 1896 Reg HO 6139 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Green Black Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Machine Machinery Tarmac Roads
IMG 7800 
 Aveling & Porter 'R10' Steam Roller 5nhp, 'Highwayman', No 9314 built in 1924 reg no HR 4399. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter R10 Steam Roller 5nhp Highwayman No 9314 Built 1924 Reg HR 4399 Chimney Flywheel Canopy Whistle Green Black Red Transport Roads Heavy Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Enigine Coal Boiler Barnes Bros Southwick Trowbridge
IMG 7825 
 Aveling & Porter BHP Road Roller 7nhp 'Jupiter', No 8717 built in 1916 reg no SX 923. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter BHP Road Roller 7nhp Jupiter No 8717 Built 1916 Reg SX 923 Chimney Flywheel Whistle Green Black Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Roads Construction Heavy Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels West Lothian Roadstone
IMG 7844C 
 Aveling & Porter BHP Road Roller 7nhp 'Jupiter', No 8717 built in 1916 reg no SX 923. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter BHP Road Roller 7nhp Jupiter No 8717 Built 1916 Reg SX 923 Chimney Flywheel Whistle Green Black Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Roads Construction Heavy Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels West Lothian Roadstone Mechanical
IMG 7851C 
 Fowler T3 Steam Road Roller 'Jenny', No 15973 built in 1924 reg no BW 7794. 
 Keywords: Fowler T3 Steam Road Roller Jenny No 15973 Built 1924 Reg BW 7794 Canopy Roads Chimney Flywheel Whistle Red Black Wheel Wheels Tarmac Construction Coal Smoke Boiler Haul Haulage Mechanical
IMG 8008 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8022 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8057 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8068 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8118 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8120 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8122 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8176 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8189 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8200 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8203 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8218 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8220 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8231 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8245 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8277 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8411 
 Keywords: Steam Road Roller Construction Roads Tarmac Mechanical Coal Bolier Flywheel Chimney Engineering St Albans Country Show 2014 Driver Wheel Wheels Heavy Transport Vehicle
IMG 8847 
 Aveling & Porter C Type 4nhp 8 Ton Road Roller 'Sammy Lou', No 11206 built in 1925 reg no PE 2458. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter C Type 4nhp 8 Ton Road Roller Sammy Lou Sammylou No 11206 Built 1925 Reg PE 2458 Chimney Green Black Brown Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Flywheel Rolling Transport Roads Tarmac Driver Mechanical Machine Machinery
IMG 8888 
 Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller 'Semper Fidelis', No 10455 built in 1922 reg no FX 9806. Pulling a Marshall Portable 6nhp Engine. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller Semper Fidelis No 10455 Built 1922 Reg FX 9806 Eddison Steam Rolling Company Green Black Canopy Chimney Flywheel Smoke Coal Boiler Wheel Wheels Chains Steering Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Mechanical Transport Construction Pull Pulling Marshall Portable
IMG 8893 
 Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller 'Semper Fidelis', No 10455 built in 1922 erg no FX 9806. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter C Type 8 Ton Road Roller Semper Fidelis No 10455 Built 1922 Reg FX 9806 Eddison Steam Rolling Company Green Black Canopy Chimney Flywheel Smoke Coal Boiler Wheel Wheels Chains Steering Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Mechanical Transport Construction
IMG 8911C 
 Aveling & Porter B Type 6 Ton Road Roller 'Perseverance', No 11670 built in 1926 reg no SN 3875. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter B Type 6 Ton Road Roller Perseverance No 11670 built 1926 reg SN 3875 Green Black Brown Chimney Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Flywheel Whistle Rolling Roads Transport Wheel Wheels Construction Mechanical Machine Machinery
IMG 8919 
 Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Road Roller 'Amy', No 14062 built in 1930 reg no HV 861 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Road Roller Amy No 14062 Built 1930 Reg HV 861 Steam Chimney Canopy Flywheel Wheel Wheels Green Brown Pulling Haul Haulage Tarmac Construction Roads Transport Machine Machinery Mechanical
IMG 8986 
 Aveling & Porter E Type 10 Ton Road Roller 'Churchill', No 10671 built in 1923 reg no PR 1165. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter E Type 10 Ton Road Roller Churchill No 10671 Built 1923 Reg PR 1165 Green Canopy Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Tarmac Construction Roads Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Mechanical Machine Machinery
IMG 9001C 
 Aveling & Porter D Type 8 Ton Road Roller 'Barbara', No 11695 built in 1927 reg no BF 5307. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter D Type 8 Ton Road Roller Barbara No 11695 Built 1927 Reg BF 5307 Roads Green Chimney Driver Coal Boiler Steam Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Machinery Machine Mechanical Tarmac Construction
IMG 9011C 
 Aveling & Porter D Type 8 Ton Road Roller 'Barbara', No 11695 built in 1927 reg no BF 5307. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter D Type 8 Ton Road Roller Barbara No 11695 Built 1927 Reg BF 5307 Roads Green Chimney Driver Coal Boiler Steam Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Machinery Machine Mechanical Tarmac Construction
IMG 9036 
 Aveling & Porter D Tyoe 8 Ton Road Roller 'Nimbus', No 11976 built in 1927 reg no TR 4486. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter D Tyoe 8 Ton Road Roller Nimbus No 11976 Built 1927 Reg TR 4486 Green Chimney Smoke Steam Flywheel Rolling Roads Transport Tarmac Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Machine Machinery Mechanical
IMG 9124C 
 Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Road Roller 'Amy', No 14062 built in 1930 reg no HV 861. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter AF Type 12 Ton Road Roller Amy No 14062 Built 1930 Reg HV 861 Steam Chimney Canopy Flywheel Wheel Wheels Green Brown Pulling Haul Haulage Tarmac Construction Roads Transport Machine Machinery Mechanical
IMG 9133 
 Aveling & Porter Road Roller 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Road Roller Chimney Green Flywheel Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Wheel Wheels Transport Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Heavy Tarmac Mechanical Machine Machinery
IMG 9482 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 4nhp, No 14125 built in 1931 reg no KJ 1871. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 4nhp No 14125 Built 1931 Reg KJ 1871 Tarmac Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling
IMG 9498 
 Fowler Steam Road Roller 'Eve', No 15981 built in 1923 reg no SV 5862. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Road Roller Eve No 15981 Built 1923 Reg SV 5862 Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling Tarmac Construction
IMG 9793 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 3nhp 'Elsie', No 11969 built in 1927 reg no VB 1107. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 3nhp Elsie 11969 Built 1927 Reg VB 1107 Coal Tarmac Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling
IMG 9800 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 4nhp 'Earl E Ryzer', No 10753 built in 1924 reg no NU 3041. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 4nhp Earl E Ryzer No 10753 Built 1924 Reg NU 3041 Coal Tarmac Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling
IMG 9811 
 Fowler Steam Road Roller 'Eve' No 15981 built in 1923 reg no SV 5862. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Road Roller Eve No 15981 Built 1923 Reg SV 5862 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling
IMG 9828C 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 'Katie', No 14017 built in 1930 reg no SV 6022. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller Katie No 14017 Built 1930 Reg SV 6022 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Tarmac
IMG 9830C 
 Marshall Steam Road Roller 5nhp 'Freda', No 76795 built in 1923 reg no FU 1325. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Road Roller 5nhp Freda No 76795 Built 1923 Reg FU 1325 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Tarmac
IMG 9893C 
 Fowler Steam Road Roller 7nhp 'The Highlander', No 16235 built in 1924 reg no AV 45. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Road Roller 7nhp The Highlander No 16235 Built 1924 Reg AV 45 Coal Engine Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Gold Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Steer Steering Driver Machinery Pull Haul Haulage
IMG 9914 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 6nhp 'Rusty Nuts', No 11788 built in 1927 reg no CJ 9720. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 6nhp Rusty Nuts No 11788 Built 1927 Reg CJ 9720 Coal Engine Canopy Chimney Smoke Whistle Brass Green Gold Governor Haul Haulage Steer Steering Driver Flatten Flywheel Wheel Wheels Tarmac Pull Machinery Construction
IMG 9916 
 Babcock & Wilcox Steam Road Roller 4nhp 'Toby', No 95/4009 built in 1926 reg no YB 7976. 
 Keywords: Babcock & Wilcox Steam Road Roller 4nhp Toby No 95/4009 Built 1926 Reg YB 7976 Engine Coal Canopy Chimney Roll Rolling Brass Green Red Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheels Wheels Steering Steer Driver Flatten Pull Haul Haulage
IMG 9929C 
 Marshall Steam Road Roller 5nhp 'Mary', No 76797 built in 1923 reg no FU 1327. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Road Roller 5nhp Mary No 76797 Built 1923 Reg FU 1327 Coal Engine Canopy Chimney Smoke Haul Haulage Red Roll Rolling Brass Whistle Governor Steer Steering Flywheel Wheel Wheels Drive Tarmac Flatten Pull Machinery Driver
IMG 9941 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 5nhp 'The Squire', No 8754 built in 1916 reg no VN 2370. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Road Roller 5nhp The Squire No 8754 Built 1916 Reg VN 2370 Coal Engine Canopy Whistle Chimney Brass Governor Green Roll Rolling Steer Steering Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Tarmac
IMG 9960C 
 Marshall Steam Road Roller 5nhp, No 78572 built in 1925 reg no NR 6296. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Road Roller 5nhp No 78572 Built 1925 Reg NR 6296 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Green Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Driver Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9965C 
 Marshall Steam Road Roller 6nhp 'Goolie', No 17427 built in 1927 reg no WW 3643. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Road Roller 6nhp Goolie No 17427 Built 1927 Coal Engine Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Green Council Whistle Governor Brass Flywheel Wheel Steer Steering Driver Roll Rolling Machinery
IMG 9967C 
 Marshall Steam Road Roller 6nhp, No 79597 built in 1925 reg no FU 4674. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Road Roller 6nhp No 79597 Built 1925 Reg FU 4764 Coal Engine Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Roll Pull Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machinery Whistle Governor Driver Steer Steering Machine

Steam Traction Engines (244 files)

Photographs of Steam Traction Engines, Ploughing Engines & General Purpose Steam Engines. Also line-ups and gathering of Steam Engines. Please note that dates quoted are the original dates of manufacture.
IMG 0004C 
 Fowler AA6 Steam Ploughing Engine 16nhp, No 13881 built in 1913 reg no NO 372. 
 Keywords: Fowler AA6 Steam Ploughing Engine 16nhp No 13881 Built 1913 Reg NO 372 Coal Field Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Gold Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Power Boiler
IMG 0010 
 Fowler Steam Tractor 'Wee McGregor', No 21222 built in 1937 reg no CS 5409. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Tractor Wee McGregor No 21222 Built 1937 Reg CS 5409 Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Gold Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Power Pressure Boiler
IMG 0030 
 Burrell Traction Engine (Tractor Conversion) 4nhp 'So Be It', No 4083 built in 1928 reg no RT 4058. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 4nhp So Be It No 4083 Built 1928 Reg RT 4058 Conversion Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 0109 
 Fowler Ploughing Steam Engine 8nhp, No 2861 built in 1876 reg no AB 9451. 
 Keywords: Fowler Ploughing Steam Engine 8nhp No 2861 Built 1876 Reg AB 9451 Coal Farming Field Plough Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Black Governor Machinery Driver Pull Traction
IMG 0132 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Steam Engine 6nhp, No 39400 built in 1907 reg no CF 3365. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Steam Engine 6nhp No 39400 Built 1907 Reg CF 3365 Coal Haul Haulage Traction Green Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Flywheel Brass Machinery Red Transport British Engineering Mechanical
IMG 0290 
 Fowler A4 Road Locomotive Engine 6nhp 'Pride Of Wales', No 8712 built in 1900 reg no DE 2439. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 Road Locomotive Engine 6nhp Pride Of Wales No 8712 Built 1900 Reg DE 2439 Canopy Chimney Smoke Steam Coal Black Gold Haul Haulage Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport
IMG 0453 
 Burrell Steam Engine 7nhp 'Jessie', No 3923 built in 1922 reg no EW 3026. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Engine 7nhp Jessie Reg No 3923 Built 1922 Reg EW 3026 Coal Haul Haulage Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Chimney Brass Red Black Governor Machinery Whistle Machinery Driver Machine Coal
IMG 0465C 
 Burrell Steam Engine 'Finem Respice', No 2319 built in 1900 reg no NO 1086. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Engine Finem Respice No 2319 Reg NO 1086 Built 1900 Coal Haul Haulage Road Flywheel Wheel Wheels Green Red Brass Chimney Governor Traction
IMG 0466C 
 Fowler Traction Engine 'Enterprise', No 11554 built in 1908 reg no CJ 5365. 
 Keywords: Fowler Traction Engine No 11554 Enterprise No 11554 Reg CJ 5365 Built 1908 Coal Haul Haulage Steam Road Canopy Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Governor Whistle Brass Steering Machinery Roll
IMG 0468 
 Burrell Steam Engine 'Finem Respice', No 2319 built in 1900 reg no NO 1086. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Engine Finem Respice No 2319 Reg NO 1086 Built 1900 Coal Haul Haulage Road Flywheel Wheel Wheels Green Red Brass Chimney Governor Traction Coal Mechanical Cylinder Block British Engineering Machinery
IMG 0482 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Steam Engine 6nhp, No 39400 built in 1907 reg no CF 3365. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Steam Engine 6nhp No 39400 Built 1907 Reg CF 3365 Coal Haul Haulage Traction Green Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Flywheel Brass Machinery Red British Engineering Mechanical Transport
IMG 0493 
 Burrell Steam Engine 'Lurcher', No 3882 built in 1921 reg no AH 7306 Coal Haulage Traction 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Engine Lurcher No 3882 Built 1921 Reg AH 7306 Coal Wheel Haul Haulage Traction Flywheel Governor Whistle Boiler Steer Steering Driver Pull Black Red
IMG 0500 
 Foster Showmans Engine 'Pride Of Essex', No 13036 built in 1912 reg no FE 1079. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Engine Pride Of Essex No 13036 Built 1912 Reg FE 1079 Coal Fairground Electricity Generator Lights Canopy Chimney Red Yellow Brass Whistle Governor Steer Steering Flywheel Wheel Wheels Pull Haul Haulage Colourful
IMG 0521 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam Engine 'Dusty', No 46823 built in 1914 reg no KE 4173. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam Engine Dusty No 46823 Built 1914 Reg KE 4173 Coal Haulage Traction Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Driver Steer Steering Machine Machinery Pull Pulling
IMG 0530 
 Ransomes Sims & Jeffries Steam Engine, No 36020 built in 1924 reg no BS 9010. 
 Keywords: Ransomes Sims & Jeffries Steam Engine No 36020 Built 1924 Reg BS 9010 Coal Haulage Green Red Chimney Whistle Brass Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Steering Driver Machinery
IMG 0532C 
 Fowler Steam Engine 'Nightmare', No 12754 built in 1912 reg no SV 8988. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Engine Nightmare No 12754 Reg SV 8988 Built 1912 Traction Haul Haulage Canopy Black Coal Wheel Wheels Flywheel Machinery Whistle Governor
IMG 0576 
 Ransomes Sims & Jeffries Steam Engine, No 36020 built in 1924 reg no BS 9010. 
 Keywords: Ransomes Sims & Jeffries Steam Engine No 36020 Built 1924 Reg BS 9010 Coal Haulage Green Red Chimney Smoke Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machinery Driver Steer Steering
IMG 0632 
 Burrell General Purpose Engine 8nhp 'Black Bess', No 2473 built in 1902 reg no NO 5914. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Engine 8nhp Black Bess No 2473 Ruilt 1902 Reg NO 5914 Steam Smoke Boiler Chimney Flywheel Cylinder Block Valves Pressure Wheel Wheels Coal Haul Haulage Transport British Engineering Mechanical
IMG 0646C 
 Burrell Steam Engine 7nhp 'Jessie', No 3923 built in 1922 reg no EW 3026. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Engine 7nhp Jessie Reg No 3923 Built 1922 Reg EW 3026 Coal Haul Haulage Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Chimney Brass Red Black Governor Machinery Whistle Machinery Driver Machine Coal
IMG 0657 
 Foster Showmans Engine 'Pride Of Essex', No 13036 built in 1912 reg no FE 1079. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Engine Pride Of Essex No 13036 Built 1912 Reg FE 1079 Coal Fairground Electricity Generator Lights Canopy Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Red Yellow Colourful Generate Driver Showman Machinery
IMG 0675C 
 Burrell Steam Engine 'Lurcher', No 3882 built in 1921 reg no AH 7306. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Engine Lurcher No 3882 Built 1921 Reg AH 7306 Coal Haulage Traction Chimney Smoke Black Red Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Driver Drive Steer Steering Machinery
IMG 0697C 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam Engine 'Dusty', No 46823 built in 1914 KE 4173. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam Engine Dusty No 46823 Built 1914 KE 4173 Coal Haulage Traction Canopy Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Green Black Whistle Governor Steer Steering Driver Pull Haul
IMG 0701HDR 
 Ransomes Sims & Jeffries Steam Engine, No 36020 built in 1924 reg no BS 9010. 
 Keywords: Ransomes Sims & Jeffries Steam Engine No 36020 Built 1924 Reg BS 9010 Coal Haulage Green Red Chimney Smoke Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machinery Driver Steer Steering
IMG 0726C 
 Marshall Steam Engine 'Old Nick', No 49725 built in 1908 reg no BW 4509. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Engine No 49725 Old Nick Built 1908 Reg BW 4509 Coal Traction Haulage Red Chimney Smoke Brass Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Driver Steer Steering Machinery
IMG 1029 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp 'Crimson Lady', No 4055 built in 1927 reg no VF 1273. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp Crimson Lady No 4055 Built 1927 Reg VF 1273 Red Black Gold Chimney Flywheel Coal Boiler Steam Smoke Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Dacorum Country Fayre
IMG 1043 
 Aveling & Porter 'L' Type Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Rosemary', No 12152 built in 1928 reg no SC 1577. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter L Type Steam Tractor 4nhp Rosemary No 12152 Built 1928 Reg SC 1577 Chimney Boiler Coal Smoke Canopy Green Black Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Roads Flywheel Whistle Governor Dacorum Country Fayre
IMG 1055 
 Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp 'Kitchener', No 9279 built in 1902 reg no SY 1125. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp Kitchener No 9279 Built 1902 Reg SY 1125 Canopy Chimney Coal Bolier Traction Engine Steam Black Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Whistle Flywheel Governor Dacorum Country Fayre
IMG 1063 
 Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp 'Kitchener', No 9279 built in 1902 reg no SY 1125. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp Kitchener No 9279 Built 1902 Reg SY 1125 Canopy Chimney Coal Bolier Traction Engine Steam Black Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Whistle Flywheel Governor Dacorum Country Fayre
IMG 1105C 
 Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp 'Patricia', No 33991 built in 1921 reg no FK 1300. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp Patricia No 33991 Built 1921 Reg FK 1300 Chimney Canopy Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Flywheel Whistle Governor Red Black Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Pull Pulling Transport Traction Dacorum Country Fayre
IMG 1121 
 Mclaren General Purpose Engine 5nhp 'Cracker', No 1534 built in 1917 reg no BS 9066. 
 Keywords: Mclaren General Purpose Engine 5nhp Cracker No 1534 Reg BS 9066 Built 1917 Great Dorset Steam Fair Steam Coal Haulage Canopy Pull Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Driver Machinery
IMG 1201 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 BE 8003 Canopy Red Green Black Gold Chimney Coal Steam Smoke Boiler Wheel Wheels Flywheel Governor Whistle Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Dacorum Country Fayre
IMG 1208 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 BE 8003 Canopy Red Green Black Gold Chimney Coal Steam Smoke Boiler Wheel Wheels Flywheel Governor Whistle Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Dacorum Country Fayre
IMG 1266 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Clinker', No 3257 built in 1911 reg no AH 5317. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp Clinker No 3257 Built 1911 Reg AH 5317 Dorset Steam Fair Coal Steam Haulage Canopy Chimney Brass Whistle Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Steering Driver Pull Haul Governor
IMG 1268 
 Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp 'King Harry', No 1181 built in 1912 reg no BF 4595. 
 Keywords: Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp King Harry No 1181 Built 1912 Reg BF 4595 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor Canopy
IMG 1269 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Clinker', No 3257 built in 1911 reg no AH 5317. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp Clinker No 3257 Built 1911 Reg AH 5317 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Canopy Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor
IMG 1270 
 Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp 'King Harry', No 1181 built in 1912 reg no BF 4595. 
 Keywords: Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp King Harry No 1181 Built 1912 Reg BF 4595 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor Canopy
IMG 1301 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Clinker', No 3257 built in 1911 reg no AH 5317. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp Clinker No 3257 Built 1911 Reg AH 5317 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Canopy Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor
IMG 1306 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor
IMG 1307 
 Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp 'King Harry', No 1181 built in 1912 reg no BF 4595. 
 Keywords: Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp King Harry No 1181 Built 1912 Reg BF 4595 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor Canopy
IMG 1328 
 Burrell SCC Traction Engine 6nhp 11 tons, No 3126 built in 1909 reg no BJ 7155. 
 Keywords: Burrell SCC Traction Engine 6nhp 11 Tons No 3126 Built 1909 Reg BJ 7155 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor Red
IMG 1384 
 Burrell DCC Road Locomotive 6nhp 12 tons 'Duke Of Kent', No 3593 built in 1914 reg no KE 3865. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Road Locomotive 6nhp 12 Tons Duke Of Kent No 3593 Built 1914 Reg KE 3865 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor
IMG 1389 
 Burrell SCC Traction Engine 6nhp 11 tons, No 3126 built in 1909 reg no BJ 7155. 
 Keywords: Burrell SCC Traction Engine 6nhp 11 Tons No 3126 Built 1909 Reg BJ 7155 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor Red
IMG 1390 
 Burrell SCC Traction Engine 6nhp 11 tons, No 3126 built in 1909 reg no BJ 7155. 
 Keywords: Burrell SCC Traction Engine 6nhp 11 Tons No 3126 Built 1909 Reg BJ 7155 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor Red
IMG 1495 
 Wallis Steam Engine. 
 Keywords: Steam Engine Great Dorset Steam Fair Coal Haulage Coal Haul Chimney Whistle Canopy Governor Boiler Red Black Flywheel Wheel Wheels Smoke Steer Steering Brass Governor
IMG 1551 
 Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp 'Kitchener', No 9279 built in 1902 reg no SY 1125. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 6nhp Kitchener No 9279 Built 1902 Reg SY 1125 Coal Steam Haulage Engine Steam Canopy Whistle Flywheel Wheel Wheels Chimney Black Governor Machinery Brass
IMG 1555 
 Allchin General Purpose Engine 8nhp 'Lena', No 1311 built in 1905 reg no HR 5059. 
 Keywords: Allchin General Purpose Engine 8nhp Lena No 1311 Reg HR 5059 Built 1905 Great Dorset Steam Fair Coal Steam Wood Cutting Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Machine Machinery Steer Drive Pull Steering Belt
IMG 1558 
 Allchin General Purpose Engine 8nhp 'Lena', No 1311 built in 1905 reg no HR 5059. 
 Keywords: Allchin General Purpose Engine 8nhp Lena No 1311 Reg HR 5059 Built 1905 Great Dorset Steam Fair Coal Steam Wood Cutting Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Machine Machinery Steer Drive Pull Steering
IMG 1578 
 Wallis & Steevens General Purpose Engine 'Forager', No 7155 built in 1910 reg no MO 2015. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens General Purpose Engine Forager No 7155 Built 1910 Reg MO 2015 Green Red Steam Smoke Boiler Coal Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Driver
IMG 1701 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Traction Chimney Boiler Coal Flywheel Haul Heavy Haulage Arena Transport Wheel Wheels Mechanical Cylinder Whistle Governor
IMG 1703 
 Burrell General Purpose SCC Engine 6nhp, No 3665 built in 1915 reg no BP 6141. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose SCC Engine 6nhp No 3665 Built 1915 Reg BP 6141 Single Crank Compound Green Red Road Haul Haulage Chimney Coal Flywheel Cylinder Block Driver Wheel Wheels Transport Pull Pulling
IMG 1729 
 McLaren Road Locomotive 10nhp 'Boadicea', No 1652 built in 1919 reg no WF 1824. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Locomotive 10nhp Boadicea No 1652 Built 1919 Reg WF 1824 Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Engine Boiler Chimney Smoke Green Canopy Haul Haulage Transport Roads Flywheel Governor Cylinder Wheel Wheels
IMG 1875 
 Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction Engine 7nhp 'Chieftain', No 15278 built in 1903 reg no NO 2009. 
 Keywords: Ransomes Sims & Jefferies Traction Engine 7nhp Chieftain No 15278 Built 1903 Reg NO 2009 Red Black Steam Boiler Smoke Chimney Flywheel Wheel Wheels Governor Cylinder Pressure Power Haul Haulage
IMG 1889 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 6nhp, No 2239 built in 1899. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 6nhp No 2239 Built 1899 Traction Engine Canopy Chimney Steam Coal Flywheel Governor Cylinder Pressure Boiler Wheel Wheels Lamps Haul Haulage Transport Driver Mate
IMG 1891 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp, No 48154 built in 1918 reg no NM 1161. 
 Keywords: Clayton Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp No 48154 Built 1918 Reg NM 1161 Traction Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 1897 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 6nhp 'The Old Clayton', No 32900 built in 1899 reg no HK 9836. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 6nhp The Old Clayton No 32900 Built 1899 Reg HK 9836 Coal Steam Haulage Black Brass Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Machine Machinery
IMG 1909 
 Ruston & Proctor General Purpose Engine 7nhp 'Success', No 50278 built in 1914 reg no CE 7949. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Proctor General Purpose Engine 7nhp Success No 50278 Built 1914 Reg CE 7949 Traction Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 1914 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 5nhp 'Dorothy', No 4093 reg no DV 9252. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 5nhp Dorothy No 4093 Reg DV 9252 Traction Engine Chimney Steam Smoke Boiler Pressure Flywheel Canopy Wheel Wheels Red Black Governor Whistle Transport Haul Heavy Haulage
IMG 1918 
 Foster Wellington Tractor 3nhp 'St George', No 14741 built in 2009 reg no FX 09 OCM. 
 Keywords: Foster Wellington Tractor 3nhp St George No 14741 Built 2009 Reg FX 09 OCM Engine Coal Steam Haulage Canopy Chimney Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Green Red Machinery Roll
IMG 1932 
 Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp 'Victoria', No 34461 reg no PM 4795. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp Victoria No 34461 Reg PM 4795 Traction Engine Steam Chimney Canopy Boiler Coal Steam Flywheel Pressure Wheel Wheels Transport haul Haulage Heavy Transport Headlights Red Brown
IMG 1943 
 Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp 'John Fowler', No 15069, built in 1920 reg U 7290. 
 Keywords: Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp John Fowler No 15069 Built 1920 Reg U 7290 Chimney Flywheel Black Governor Whistle Pull Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Wheel Wheels Smoke
IMG 1947 
 Fowler A4 Agricultural Traction Engine 6nhp, No 11357, built in 1908 reg NM 219. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 Agricultural Traction Engine 6nhp No 11357 Built 1908 Reg NM 219 Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 1959 
 Foden Road Locomotive 16 Tons 8nhp 'Monarch', No 3534 built in 1913 reg no MA 5502. 
 Keywords: Foden Road Locomotive 16 Tons 8nhp Monarch No 3534 Built 1913 Reg MA 5502 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 1966 
 Marshall Traction Engine 6nhp 'Winifred', No 43560 built in 1905 reg no BD 5414. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine 6nhp Winifred No 43560 Built 1905 Reg BD 5414B Coal Steam Haulage Canopy Whistle Red Chimney Haul Brass Machinery Flywheel Wheel Wheels
IMG 1974 
 Aveling & Porter 'L' Type Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Rosemary', No 12152 built in 1928 reg no SC 1577. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter L Type Steam Tractor 4nhp Rosemary No 12152 Built 1928 Reg SC 1577 Chimney Boiler Coal Smoke Canopy Green Black Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Roads Flywheel Whistle Governor
IMG 1982 
 Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Mr Blower', No 15288 built in 1919 reg no U 4952. 
 Keywords: Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp Mr Blower No 15288 Built 1919 Reg U 4952 Traction Engine Coal Canopy Whistle Brass Governor Machinery Flywheel Wheel Wheels Chimney
IMG 2011 
 Line of four Foster Steam Engines at Old Warden Bedfordshire. 
 Keywords: Line Four Foster Steam Engines Old Warden Bedfordshire Collection Gathering Coal Traction Engine Whistle Canopy Brass Wheel Wheels Governor Machines Machinery Flywheel
IMG 2061 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 BE 8003 Canopy Red Green Black Gold Chimney Coal Steam Smoke Boiler Wheel Wheels Flywheel Governor Whistle Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 2063 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 BE 8003 Canopy Red Green Black Gold Chimney Coal Steam Smoke Boiler Wheel Wheels Flywheel Governor Whistle Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 2131 
 Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 nhp 'Jane Eyre', No 3626 built in 1914 reg no AH 0221. 
 Keywords: Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 nhp Jane Eyre No 3626 Built 1914 Reg AH 0221 Trailer Chimney Canopy Flywheel Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Traction Engine Red Black Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Haul Haulage Hauling Pull Pulling Transport Driver R. Hawthorne
IMG 2145 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp 'Evedon Lad', No 1499 built in 1910 reg no AY 9494. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Evedon Lad No 1499 Built 1910 Reg AY 9494 Farming Threshing Saw Bench Chimney Coal Boiler Flywheel Steam Smoke Red Whistle Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Driver Pull Pulling
IMG 2163 
 Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4nhp 'King George V', No 3554 built in 1914 reg no AH 0181. 
 Keywords: Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4nhp King George V No 3554 Built 1914 Reg AH 0181 Red Black Yellow Canopy Chimney Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Flywheel Whistle Governor Coal Boiler Steam Engine Wheel Wheels Driver
IMG 2195 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 'Little Mo', No 1652 built in 1914 reg no EB 4938. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine Little Mo No 1652 Built 1914 Reg EB 4938 Steam Smoke Red Black Flywheel Chimney Coal Cylinder Block Pressure Wheel Wheels Transport Haul Haulage Driver Heavy
IMG 2258 
 Collection of steam engines and road roller. 
 Keywords: Collection Steam Engines Road Roller Lineup Gathering Smoke Chimneys Red Green Black Canopy Boiler Coal Flywheel Cylinder Block Pressure Wheel Wheels Transport
IMG 2330 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 6nhp and Crane Engine 'His Majesty', No 3829 built in 1920 reg no PB 9687. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 6nhp Crane Engine No 3829 His Majesty Built 1920 Reg PB 9687 Great Dorset Steam Fair Coal Steam Haulage Canopy Chimney Whistle Governor Brass Smoke Steer Steering Flywheel Wheel Wheels Driver Pull Haul Machinery
IMG 2359 
 Aveling & Porter Tractor 4nhp 'Smokey', No 11423 built in 1926 reg no KM 2229. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Tractor 4nhp Smokey No 11423 Reg KM 2229 Built 1926 Great Dorset Steam Fair Coal Steam Haulage Chimney Whistle Governor Brass Pull Haul Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machinery Driver Steer Steering Green
IMG 2361 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 8nhp 'The President', No 2789 reg no DO 2067 built in 1905 originally as a Showmans Engine. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 8nhp No 2789 The President Reg DO 2067 Built 1905 Great Dorset Steam Fair Showmans Engine Coal Steam Haulage Canopy Brass Gold Black Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Smoke Pull Haul Driver Steer Steering
IMG 2375 
 Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp 'King Harry', No 1181 built in 1912 reg no BF 4595. 
 Keywords: Mclaren Road Locomotive 8nhp King Harry No 1181 Reg BF 4595 Built 1912 Great Dorset Steam Fair Engine Chimney Brass Canopy Steer Steering Whistle Governor Brass Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machine Machinery Pull Driver
IMG 2377 
 Burrell Traction Engine at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Coal Haulage Brown Black Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Chimney Smoke Machine Machinery Pull Haul Driver Steer Steering Transport
IMG 2400 
 Wallis & Steevens Tractor 3nhp 'Goliath', No 2694 built in 1903 reg no AA 2111. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Tractor 3nhp Goliath No 2694 Reg AA 2111 Built 1903 Great Dorset Steam Fair Coal Steam Haulage Chimney Whistle Governor Driver Pull Haul Wheel Wheels Flywheel Brass Steering Steer
IMG 2420 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 6nhp 'The Old Clayton', No 32900 built in 1899 reg no HK 9836. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 6nhp The Old Clayton No 32900 Built 1899 Reg HK 9836 Great Dorset Steam Fair Coal Steam Haulage Black Brass Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Machine Machinery
IMG 2427 
 Marshall General Purpose Engine 6nhp 'Old Timer', No 37690 built in 1902 reg no BH 7373. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Engine 6nhp Old Timer No 37690 Built 1902 Reg BH 7373 Coal Steam Haulage Green Chimney Haul Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Pull Machinery
IMG 2812 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 'Little Mo', No 1652 built in 1914 reg no EB 4938. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine Little Mo No 1652 Built 1914 Reg EB 4938 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Red Smoke Boiler Cleaning Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3195 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Clinker', No 3257 built in 1911 reg no AH 5317. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp Clinker No 3257 Built 1911 Reg AH 5317 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Green Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3297 
 Line of Traction engines and Road Locomotives at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Line Collection Lineup Gathering Traction Engines Road Locomotives Crane Engine Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3408 
 Burrell General Purpose Engine 6nhp, No 3665 built in 1915 reg no BP 6141. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Engine 6nhp No 3665 Built 1915 Reg BP 6141 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3434 
 McLaren General Purpose Engine 5nhp 'Cracker', No 1534 built in 1917 reg no BS 9066. 
 Keywords: McLaren General Purpose Engine 5nhp Cracker No 1534 Built 1917 Reg BS 9066 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3444 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3445 
 Burrell General Purpose Engine 6nhp, No 3665 built in 1915 reg no BP 6141. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Engine 6nhp No 3665 Built 1915 Reg BP 6141 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3454 
 Foden Colonial Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Earl Of Dudley', No 1308 built in 1907 reg no BF 4311. 
 Keywords: Foden Colonial Road Locomotive 7nhp Earl Of Dudley No 1308 Built 1907 Reg BF 4311 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3487 
 McLaren Road Haulage Loco 10nhp 14 tons 'Boadicea', No 1652 built in 1919 reg no WF 1864. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Haulage Loco 10nhp 14 tons Boadicea No 1652 Built 1919 Reg WF 1864 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Transport Canopy
IMG 3647 
 McLaren Road Haulage Loco 10nhp 14 tons 'Boadicea', No 1652 built in 1919 reg no WF 1864. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Haulage Loco 10nhp 14 tons Boadicea No 1652 Built 1919 Reg WF 1864 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Transport Canopy
IMG 3664 
 McLaren Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Mr Tweedie', No 1295 built in 1911 reg no BF 5927. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Locomotive 8nhp Mr Tweedie No 1295 Built 1911 Reg BF 5927 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3671 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 'Little Mo', No 1652 built in 1914 reg no EB 4938. Pulling passengers around the Heavy Haulage Arena at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine Little Mo No 1652 Built 1914 Reg EB 4938 Passengers Heavy Haulage Arena Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul
IMG 3685 
 Fowler Road Locomotive & Crane Engine 10nhp 'Duke Of York', No 17106 built in 1928 reg no KD 2826. 
 Keywords: Fowler Road Locomotive & Crane Engine 10nhp Duke Of York No 17106 Built 1928 Reg KD 2826 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3687 
 Fowler Tiger Tractor 4nhp 'Onward', No 15293 built in 1919 reg no BN 2788. 
 Keywords: Fowler Tiger Tractor 4nhp Onward No 15293 Built 1919 Reg BN 2788 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Red Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3730 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Lord Roberts', No 3057 built in 1908 reg no BE 7217. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp Lord Roberts No 3057 Built 1908 Reg BE 7217 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3738 
 McLaren General Purpose Engine 5nhp 'Cracker', No 1534 built in 1917 reg no BS 9066. 
 Keywords: McLaren General Purpose Engine 5nhp Cracker No 1534 Built 1917 Reg BS 9066 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3740 
 Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp 'The Chough', No 33353 built in 1918 reg no BJ 4236. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp The Chough No 33353 Built 1918 Reg BJ 4236 Red Canopy Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3747 
 Garrett General Purpose Engine 7nhp 'The Earl Of Eldon', No 28758 built in 1910 reg no FX 7239. 
 Keywords: Garrett General Purpose Engine 7nhp The Earl Of Eldon No 28758 Built 1910 Reg FX 7239 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3753 
 Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp 'The Chough', No 33353 built in 1918 reg no BJ 4236. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp The Chough No 33353 Built 1918 Reg BJ 4236 Red Canopy Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3761 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3763 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3777 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 'Little Mo', No 1652 built in 1914 reg no EB 4938. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine Little Mo No 1652 Built 1914 Reg EB 4938 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3778 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 'Little Mo', No 1652 built in 1914 reg no EB 4938. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine Little Mo No 1652 Built 1914 Reg EB 4938 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3788 
 Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp 'The Chough', No 33353 built in 1918 reg no BJ 4236. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp The Chough No 33353 Built 1918 Reg BJ 4236 Red Canopy Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3792 
 Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp 'The Chough', No 33353 built in 1918 reg no BJ 4236. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp The Chough No 33353 Built 1918 Reg BJ 4236 Red Canopy Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3802 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3804 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor 'Smokey', No 11423 built in 1926 reg no KM 2229. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor Smokey No 11423 Built 1926 Reg KM 2229 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Green Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3811 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3815 
 Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp 'The Chough', No 33353 built in 1918 reg no BJ 4236. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 4nhp The Chough No 33353 Built 1918 Reg BJ 4236 Red Canopy Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3823 
 McLaren Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Mr Tweedie', No 1295 built in 1911 reg no BF 5927. 
 Keywords: McLaren Road Locomotive 8nhp Mr Tweedie No 1295 Built 1911 Reg BF 5927 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3825 
 Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Clinker', No 3257 built in 1911 reg no AH 5317. 
 Keywords: Burrell Road Locomotive 7nhp Clinker No 3257 Built 1911 Reg AH 5317 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Green Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3842 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor 'Smokey', No 11423 built in 1926 reg no KM 2229. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor Smokey No 11423 Built 1926 Reg KM 2229 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Green Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3844 
 Foden Colonial Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Earl Of Dudley', No 1308 built in 1907 reg no BF 4311. 
 Keywords: Foden Colonial Road Locomotive 7nhp Earl Of Dudley No 1308 Built 1907 Reg BF 4311 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3850 
 Fowler Road Locomotive & Crane Engine 10nhp 'Duke Of York', No 17106 built in 1928 reg no KD 2826. 
 Keywords: Fowler Road Locomotive & Crane Engine 10nhp Duke Of York No 17106 Built 1928 Reg KD 2826 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3858 
 Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Morning Star', No 11486 built in 1926 reg no KN 7100. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor 4nhp Morning Star No 11486 Built 1926 Reg KN 7100 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Green Canopy Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3876 
 Fowler Tiger Tractor 4nhp 'Onward', No 15293 built in 1919 reg no BN 2788. 
 Keywords: Fowler Tiger Tractor 4nhp Onward No 15293 Built 1919 Reg BN 2788 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Canopy Red Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3889 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3893 
 Foster General Purpose Engine 5nhp 'The Little Gem', No 14638 built in 1933 reg no VL 4777. 
 Keywords: Foster General Purpose Engine 5nhp The Little Gem No 14638 Built 1933 Reg VL 4777 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Green Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3901 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3944 
 Line of Showmans Engines at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Line Lineup Collection Gathering Showmans Engines Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Fairground Dynamo Electricity Generate Power
IMG 4679 
 Various Steam and Traction engines in a line letting off steam. 
 Keywords: Steam Traction Engines Collection Gathering Line Row Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Red Black Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 4683 
 Various Steam and Traction engines in a line letting off steam. 
 Keywords: Row Line Steam Engines Collection Gathering Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Red Black Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 4700 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp 'Winifred', No 43560 built in 1905 reg no BD 5414. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp Winifred No 43560 Built 1905 Reg BD 5414 Coal Boiler Canopy Red Chimney Smoke Brass Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Power
IMG 4702 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp 'Crimson Lady', No 4055 built in 1927 reg no VF 1273. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp Crimson Lady No 4055 Built 1927 Reg VF 1273 Coal Boiler Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 4722 
 Fowler A4 General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp, No 11357 built in 1908 reg no NM 219. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp, No 11357 Built 1908 Reg NM 219 Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 4723 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp No 48154 built in 1918 reg no NM 1161. 
 Keywords: Clayton Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp No 48154 Built 1918 Reg NM 1161 Traction Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Sepia
IMG 4723 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp, No 48154 built in 1918 reg no NM 1161. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp No 48154 Reg NM 1161 Built 1918 Traction Wheel Wheels Chimney Smoke Steam Flywheel Green Machinery Bolier Coal Pull Haul Haulage Governor Whistle
IMG 4725 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 7nhp 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton Shuttleworth Traction Engine 7nhp The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 Reg BE 8003 Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 4740 
 Aveling & Porter 'L' type Steam Motor Tractor 4nhp 'Rosemary', No 12152 built in 1900 reg no SC 1577. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter L Type Steam Motor Tractor 4nhp Rosemary No 12152 Built 1900 Reg SC 1577 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Belt Power Drive Shaft
IMG 5036 
 Steam & Traction Engines in a row. 
 Keywords: Steam Traction Engines Line Row Collection Gathering Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Red Black Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 5049C 
 Burrell Traction Engine 8nhp 'Keeling', No 3121 built in 1909 reg no NO 1310. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 8nhp Keeling NO 1310 Built 1909 Reg Steam Coal Haulage Canopy Haul Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Blue Steer Steering Driver Machinery
IMG 5083C 
 Marshall Traction Engine 'Emma', No 61970 built in 1913 reg no BJ 5934. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine Emma No 61970 Built 1913 Reg BJ 5934 Coal Steam Haulage Chimney Flywheel Governor Whistle Red Pull Drive Driver Steer Steering Red Brass Machinery
IMG 5095 
 Burrell Traction Engine 8nhp 'Keeling', No 3121 built in 1909 reg no NO 1310. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine 8nhp Keeling No 3121 Built 1909 Reg NO 1310 Steam Coal Haulage Chimney Canopy Governor Whistle Haul Wheel Wheels Brass Blue Flywheel Pull Drive Steer Steering
IMG 5106 
 Ransomes Sims & Jefferies Type R.C.T. Light Traction Engine 'Catastrophe', No 22589 built in 1910 reg no BS 9015. 
 Keywords: Ransomes Sims & Jefferies Type R.C.T. Light Traction Engine Catastrophe No 22589 Built 1910 BS 9015 Red Black Gold Chimney Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Flywheel Governor Whistle Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Machine Machinery
IMG 5115 
 Ransomes Sims & Jefferies Type R.C.T. Light Traction Engine 'Catastrophe', No 22589 built in 1910 reg no BS 9015. 
 Keywords: Ransomes Sims & Jefferies Type R.C.T. Light Traction Engine Catastrophe No 22589 Built 1910 BS 9015 Red Black Gold Chimney Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Flywheel Governor Whistle Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Machine Machinery
IMG 5135 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 BE 8003 Canopy Red Green Black Gold Chimney Coal Steam Smoke Boiler Wheel Wheels Flywheel Governor Whistle Machine Machinery Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 5136 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer', No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 BE 8003 Built 1910 Canopy Chimney Steam Flywheel Governor Whistle Wheel Wheels Red Green Black Pull Haul Haulage Machinery Coal Boiler
IMG 5154 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp, No 48154 built in 1918 reg no NM 1161. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Engine 7nhp No 48154 Reg NM 1161 Built 1918 Traction Wheel Wheels Chimney Smoke Steam Flywheel Green Machinery Bolier Coal Pull Haul Haulage Governor Whistle
IMG 5190 
 Fowler A4 Road Locomotive 'Kitchener', No 9279 built in 1902 reg no SY 1125. 
 Keywords: Fowler A4 Road Locomotive Kitchener No 9279 Built 1902 SY 1125 Canopy Chimney Smoke Steam Coal Bolier Flywheel Governor Whistle Red Gold Brown Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Manchester
IMG 5274 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 11 Tons 7nhp 'Old Nick', No 49725 built in 1908 reg no BW 4509. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 11 Tons 7nhp Old Nick No 49725 Built 1908 Reg BW 4509 Coal Boiler Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 5280 
 Foden Road Locomotive 16 Tons 8nhp 'Monarch', No 3534 built in 1913 reg no MA 5502. 
 Keywords: Foden Road Locomotive 16 Tons 8nhp Monarch No 3534 Built 1913 Reg MA 5502 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 5696 
 Garrett 4CD Tractor 'Patricia', No 33991 built in 1921 reg no FK 1300. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Tractor Patricia No 33991 Built 1921 Reg FK 1300 Coal Steam Haulage Engine Haul Flywheel Governor Chimney Whistle Brass Wheel Wheels Machinery Red
IMG 5747 
 Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 'Lord Raglan', No 33738 built in 1919 reg no BJ 4791. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor Lord Raglan No 33738 Built 1919 Reg BJ 4791 Coal Traction Engine Haul Haulage Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Chimney
IMG 5825 
 Marshall Traction Engine 6nhp 'Winifred', No 43560 built in 1905 reg no BD 5414. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine 6nhp Winifred No 43560 Built 1905 Reg BD 5414B Coal Steam Haulage Canopy Whistle Red Chimney Haul Brass Machinery Flywheel Wheel Wheels
IMG 5873 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 'The Gaffer' No 43200 built in 1910 reg no BE 8003. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine The Gaffer No 43200 Built 1910 Reg BE 8003 Steam Engine Coal Haulage Flywheel Whistle Haul Wheel Wheels Green Red Canopy
IMG 5928 
 Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 ton 4nhp 'King George V', No 3554 built in 1914, reg no AHO 181. 
 Keywords: Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 Ton 4nhp King George V No 3554 Built 1914 AHO 181 Steam Engine Coal Smoke Canopy Haul Haulage Wheel Flywheel Whistle Governor
IMG 6149C 
 Burrell Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Sun Set No 2', built in 1919 reg no BP 5757. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Tractor 4nhp Sun Set No 2 Sunset Built 1919 Reg BP 5757 Hollycombe Working Steam Museum Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Passenger Trailer
IMG 6194 
 Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp 'Mr Potter', No 31633 built in 1913 reg no BJ 1696. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp Mr Potter No 31633 Built 1913 Reg BJ 1696 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 6220 
 Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine 'Tiger', No 15442 built in 1920 reg no CT 4177. 
 Keywords: Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine Tiger No 15442 Built 1920 Reg CT 4177 Black Chimney Flywheel Smoke Steam Boiler Coal Whistle Governor Pulley Steel Wire Agriculture Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Transport Farming
IMG 6310 
 Burrell Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Sun Set No 2', No 3815 built in 1919 reg no BP 5757. 
 Keywords: Burrell Steam Tractor 4nhp Sun Set No 2 Sunset Reg BP 5757 Built 1919 Hollycombe Working Steam Museum Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Passengers Trailer
IMG 6353 
 Marshall General Purpose Engine 6nhp 'Old Timer', No 37690 built in 1902 reg no BH 7373. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Engine 6nhp Old Timer No 37690 Built 1902 Reg BH 7373 Coal Steam Haulage Green Chimney Haul Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Pull Machinery Woodcote Rally 2011
IMG 6362 
 Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp 'Mr Potter', No 31633 built in 1913 reg no BJ 1696. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp Mr Potter No 31633 Built 1913 Reg BJ 1696 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Woodcote Rally 2011
IMG 6374 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp 'Wildfire', No 7664 built in 1919 reg no BL 1331. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp Wildfire No 7664 Built 1919 Reg BL 1331 Farming Driver Green Black Red Gold Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Transport Woodcote Rally 2011
IMG 6390 
 Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp 'Britannia', No 72808 built in 1920 reg no AH 5979. 
 Keywords: Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Britannia No 72808 Built 1920 Reg AH 5979 Chimney Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Coal Red Black Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Farming Driver Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 6400 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp 'Evedon Lad', No 1499 built in 1910 reg no AY 9494. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Evedon Lad No 1499 Built 1910 Reg AY 9494 Farming Threshing Saw Bench Chimney Coal Boiler Flywheel Steam Smoke Red Whistle Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Driver Pull Pulling Woodcote Rally 2011
IMG 6404 
 Aveling & Porter KND Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Whippet', No 9179 built in 1920 reg no CJ 4158. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter KND Steam Tractor 4nhp Whippet No 9179 Built 1920 Reg CJ 4158 Traction Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 6411 
 Aveling & Porter YLD 6 nhp Road Locomotive 'Clyde', No 8471 built in 1914 reg no AF 4478. 
 Keywords: Aveling Porter YLD 6nhp Road Locomotive Clyde No 8471 Built 1914 Reg AF 4478 Engine Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Boiler
IMG 6466 
 Row of 4 Wallis & Steevens Steam Engines. 
 Keywords: Wallis Steevens Steam Engines 4 In Row Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Collection Gathering Line Roll Rolling
IMG 6484 
 Marshall General Purpose Engine 6nhp 'Old Timer', No 37690 built in 1902 reg no BH 7373. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Engine 6nhp Old Timer No 37690 Built 1902 Reg BH 7373 Coal Steam Haulage Green Chimney Haul Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Pull Machinery Woodcote Rally 2011
IMG 6502 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp 'Princess Mary', No 73901 built in 1920 reg no NO 1213. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp Princess Mary No 73901 Built 1920 Reg NO 1213 Red Black Chimney Boiler Smoke Steam Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Engine Trailer Canopy Passenger
IMG 6578 
 Wallis & Steevens agricultural engine 8nhp 'Wanda', works No 7801 built in 1924 reg no PU 3378. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Agricultural Engine 8nhp Wanda Works No 7801 Built 1924 Reg PU 3378 Traction Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver Green Flywheel
IMG 6617 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion agricultural traction engine 7nhp 'Faith', works No 7497 built in 1916 reg no NO4 710. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Faith Works No 7497 Built 1916 Reg NO4 710 Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver Flywheel Green Red
IMG 6645 
 Marshall Agricultural traction engine 7nhp 'Old Nick', works No 49725 built in 1908 reg no BW 4509. 
 Keywords: Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Old Nick Works No 49725 Built 1908 Reg BW 4509 Flywheel Red Cylinder Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver
IMG 6647 
 Burrell SCC Devonshire road locomotive 6nhp, works No 2239 built in 1899 reg no BS 8573. 
 Keywords: Burrell SCC Devonshire Road Locomotive 6nhp Works No 2239 Built 1899 Reg BS 8573 Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver Canopy Green Flywheel
IMG 6649 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion agricultural traction engine 7nhp 'Faith', works No 7497 built in 1916 reg no NO4 710. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Faith Works No 7497 Built 1916 Reg NO4 710 Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver Flywheel Green Red
IMG 6805 
 Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Mr Blower', works No 15288 built in 1919 reg no U 4952. 
 Keywords: Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp Mr Blower Works No 15288 Built 1919 Reg U 4952 Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Canopy Red Gold Flywheel Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver
IMG 6808 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction SCC Engine 6nhp 'Ted Haggard', No 2426 built in 1901 reg no BL 4843. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction SCC Engine 6nhp Ted Haggard No 2426 Built 1901 Reg BL 4843 2013 Chiltern Rally Steam Green Chimney Coal Driver Boiler Flywheel Wheel Wheels Machinery Transport Haulage Cylinder Governor Whistle
IMG 6897 
 Line up of Steam Tractors and Road Rollers. 
 Keywords: Row Steam Engines Steam Rollers Traction Line Collection Gathering Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Roll Rolling Power Wagon
IMG 7061 
 Tasker Tractor 5nhp 'One Of Kitcheners Boys', No 1666 built in 1919 reg no AA 5639. 
 Keywords: Tasker Tractor 5nhp One Of Kitcheners Boys No 1666 Built 1919 Reg AA 5639 Engine Coal Boiler Steam Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering Power Bolier
IMG 7337 
 Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Mr Blower', works No 15288 built in 1919 reg no U 4952. 
 Keywords: Fowler Tiger Steam Tractor 4nhp Mr Blower Works No 15288 Built 1919 Reg U 4952 Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Canopy Red Gold Flywheel Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver
IMG 7380 
 Marshall Agricultural traction engine 6nhp 'Woodton Lady', works No 54486 built in 1910 reg no AH 7349. 
 Keywords: Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 6nhp Woodton Lady Works No 54486 Built 1910 Reg AH 7349 Flywheel Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver
IMG 7463 
 Ruston & Hornsby Type SC traction engine 7nhp 'Sadie', works No 122300 built in 1924 reg no CJ 7207. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Hornsby Type SC Eraction Engine 7nhp Sadie Works No 122300 Built 1924 Reg CJ 7207 Flywheel Green Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver
IMG 7485 
 Ruston Proctor Type SH agricultural traction engine 7nhp 'Success', works No 50278 built in 1914 reg no CE 7949. 
 Keywords: Ruston Proctor Type SH Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Success Works No 50278 Built 1914 Reg CE 7949 Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver Flywheel
IMG 7519 
 Aveling & Porter 'L' Type Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Rosemary', No 12152 built in 1928 reg no SC 1577. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter 'L' Type Steam Tractor 4nhp Rosemary No 12152 Built 1928 Reg SC 1577 2013 Chiltern Rally Steam Green Canopy Chimney Boiler Cylinder Wheel Wheels Transport Haulage Machinery Driver Pulling Flywheel
IMG 7545 
 Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp 'Princess Mary', No 33278 built in 1918 reg no DP 4479. Built for the ministry of Munitions. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp Princess Mary No 33278 Built 1918 Reg DP 4479 Ministry Munitions Canopy Flywheel Chimney Boiler Green Wheel Wheels Transport Haul Haulage Downton Dredging Co Driver
IMG 7562 
 Fowler agricultural engine 7nhp 'Susanna', works No 8334 built 1898 reg no 9314 PW. 
 Keywords: Fowler Agricultural Engine 7nhp Susanna Works No 8334 Built 1898 Reg 9314 PW Traction Steam Green Red Flywheel Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014 Chimney Norfolk Driver
IMG 7573 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp 'Crimson Lady', No 4055 built in 1927 reg no VF 1273. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp Crimson Lady No 4055 Built 1927 Reg VF 1273 2013 Chiltern Rally Steam Red Chimney Wheel Wheels Flywheel Cylinder Governor Whistle Driver Pulling Haulage Transport
IMG 7616 
 Marshall Steam Tractor 5nhp 'Punch', No 36258 built in 1902 reg no FU 92. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Tractor 5nhp Punch No 36258 Built 1902 Reg FU 92 Canopy Chimney Green Black Red Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Flywheel Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Transport
IMG 7700 
 Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 Ton 4nhp 'King George V', No 3554 built in 1914 reg no AHO 181. 
 Keywords: Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 Ton 4nhp King George V No 3554 Built 1914 Reg AHO 181 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Smoke Steam Traction Whistle Governor Red Black Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Tyre Tyres
IMG 7703 
 Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 5 1/2 Tons 4nhp 'Mr Potter', No 31633 built in 1913 reg no BJ 1696. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Steam Tractor 5 1/2 Tons 4nhp Mr Potter No 31633 Built 1913 Reg BJ 1696 Traction Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Green Red Black Canopy Steam Smoke Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 7775 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction SCC Engine 6nhp 'Ted Haggard', No 2426 built in 1901 reg no BL 4843. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction SCC Engine 6nhp Ted Haggard No 2426 Built 1901 Reg BL 4843 Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Chimney Flywheel Engine Green Red Black Transport Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels
IMG 7785C 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars
IMG 7792C 
 Burrell Tractor 4nhp 'Tinkerbell', No 4072 built in 1927 reg no PH 2900. 
 Keywords: Burrell Tractor 4nhp Tinkerbell No 4072 Built 1927 Reg PH 2900 Canopy Chimney Coal Boiler Flywheel Whistle Smoke Coal Boiler Red Black Traction Transport Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Cranleigh
IMG 7795C 
 Marshall General Purpose Engine 7nhp 'Emma', No 61970 built in 1913 reg no BJ 5934. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Engine 7nhp Emma No 61970 Built 1913 Reg BJ 5934 Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Red Black Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Transport Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling
IMG 7806C 
 Marshall Steam Tractor 5nhp 'Punch', No 36258 built in 1902 reg no FU 92. 
 Keywords: Marshall Steam Tractor 5nhp Punch No 36258 Built 1902 Reg FU 92 Canopy Chimney Green Black Red Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Flywheel Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Transport
IMG 7819C 
 Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp 'Princess Mary', No 33278 built in 1918 reg no DP 4479. Built originally for the ministry of Munitions. 
 Keywords: Garrett 4CD Tractor 4nhp Princess Mary No 33278 Built 1918 Reg DP 4479 Ministry Of Munitions Canopy Downton Dredging Co Chimney Smoke Coal Boiler Flywheel Green Black Gold Carry Haul Haulage Transport Wheel Wheels Traction
IMG 7828 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 7830 
 Fowler traction engine 6nhp, 'Lord Of The Isles', works No 14012 built in 1915 reg no CE 7818. 
 Keywords: Fowler Traction Engine 6nhp, Lord Of The Isles Works No 14012 Built 1915 Reg CE 7818 Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 7849C 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp 'Crimson Lady', No 4055 built in 1927 reg no VF 1273. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp Crimson Lady No 4055 Built 1927 Reg VF 1273 Chimney Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Wheel Wheels
IMG 7900 
 Marshall Traction Engine 7nhp 'Emma', No 61970 built in 1913 reg no BJ 5934. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine 7nhp Emma No 61970 Built 1913 Reg BJ 5934 Chimney Smoke Steam Whistle Boiler Coal Flywheel Red Black Gold Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Transport Driver Machine Machinery Mechanical
IMG 7904 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp 'Wildfire', No 7664 built in 1919 reg no BL 1331. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp Wildfire No 7664 Built 1919 Reg BL 1331 Farming Driver Green Black Red Gold Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Transport
IMG 7921 
 Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp 'Britannia', No 72808 built in 1920 reg no AH 5979. 
 Keywords: Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Britannia No 72808 Built 1920 Reg AH 5979 Chimney Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Coal Red Black Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Farming Driver Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 7952 
 Marshall Portable 6nhp Steam Engine, built in 1905. 
 Keywords: Marshall Portable 6nhp Steam Engine Built 1905 Chimney Green Red Black Flywheel Coal Boiler Smoke Pull Pulling Wheel Wheels Governor
IMG 8136 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 8158 
 Wallis & Steevens traction engine 'Eileen the Erring', works no 7683 built in 1919 reg no BL 795. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Traction Engine Eileen The Erring Works no 7683 Built 1919 Reg BL 795 Green Red Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 8179 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 8449 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 8480 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth traction engine, works No 48154 built in 1918 reg no NM 1161. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine Works No 48154 Built 1918 Reg NM 1161 Green Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 8524 
 Keywords: Traction Engine Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 8530 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth traction engine, works No 48154 built in 1918 reg no NM 1161. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine Works No 48154 Built 1918 Reg NM 1161 Boiler Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Engineering Transport British Mechanical Flywheel Cylinder Block Piston Chimney Driver St Albans Steam Country Show 2014
IMG 8817 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp 'Wildfire', No 7664 built in 1919 reg no BL 1331. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp Wildfire No 7664 Built 1919 Reg BL 1331 Farming Driver Green Black Red Gold Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Transport
IMG 8881 
 Marshall Traction Engine 7nhp 'Emma', No 61970 built in 1913 reg no BJ 5934. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine 7nhp Emma No 61970 Built 1913 Reg BJ 5934 Chimney Smoke Steam Whistle Boiler Coal Flywheel Red Black Gold Haul Haulage Wheel Wheels Transport Driver Machine Machinery Mechanical
IMG 8941 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 'Old Timer', No 37690 built in 1902 reg no BH 7373. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine Old Timer No 37690 Built 1902 Reg BH 7373 Steam Traction Chimney Flywheel Governor Whistle Green Black Driver Coal Boiler Smoke Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Pull Pulling
IMG 8947 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp 'Fair Rosamund', No 7370 built in 1914 reg no BL 4707. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp Fair Rosamund No 7370 Built 1914 Reg BL 4707 Green Black Chimney Flywheel Coal Bolier Steam Smoke Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Transport Pull Pulling Traction Whistle Governor
IMG 8971 
 Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp 'Britannia', No 72808 built in 1920 reg no AH 5979. 
 Keywords: Marshall Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Britannia No 72808 Built 1920 Reg AH 5979 Chimney Steam Smoke Coal Boiler Coal Red Black Flywheel Whistle Wheel Wheels Farming Driver Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Main Arena
IMG 9014 
 Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 nhp 'Jane Eyre', No 3626 built in 1914 reg no AH 0221. 
 Keywords: Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4 nhp Jane Eyre No 3626 Built 1914 Reg AH 0221 Trailer Chimney Canopy Flywheel Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Traction Engine Red Black Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Haul Haulage Hauling Pull Pulling Transport Driver R. Hawthorne
IMG 9021 
 Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp 'Evedon Lad', No 1499 built in 1910 reg no AY 9494. 
 Keywords: Allchin Agricultural Traction Engine 7nhp Evedon Lad No 1499 Built 1910 Reg AY 9494 Farming Threshing Saw Bench Chimney Coal Boiler Flywheel Steam Smoke Red Whistle Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Driver Pull Pulling Headlights
IMG 9043 
 Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4nhp 'King George V', No 3554 built in 1914 reg no AH 0181. 
 Keywords: Burrell Gold Medal Tractor 4nhp King George V No 3554 Built 1914 Reg AH 0181 Red Black Yellow Canopy Chimney Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Flywheel Whistle Governor Coal Boiler Steam Engine Wheel Wheels Driver
IMG 9081 
 Line of Steam Engines and Road Rollers. 
 Keywords: Line Steam Engines Road Rollers Woodcote Rally 2013 Collection Gathering Lineup Red Black Chimney Chimneys Wheel Wheels Canopy Flywheel Smoke Coal Boiler Haul Haulage Transport Arena
IMG 9088 
 Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp 'Wildfire', No 7664 built in 1919 reg no BL 1331. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine 7nhp Wildfire No 7664 Built 1919 Reg BL 1331 Farming Driver Green Black Red Gold Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Transport
IMG 9446 
 Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine 'Tiger', No 15442 built in 1920 reg no CT 4177. 
 Keywords: Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine Tiger No 15442 Built 1920 Reg CT 4177 Black Chimney Flywheel Smoke Steam Whistle Governor Pulley Steel Wire Agriculture Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Transport
IMG 9470 
 Ruston & Proctor General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp 'Success', No 50278 built in 1914 reg no CE 7949. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Proctor General Purpose Traction Engine Success 7nhp No 50278 Built 1914 Reg CE 7949 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9473 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp 'Louise', No 38742 built in 1906 reg no NL 1216. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp Louise No 38742 Built 1906 Reg NL 1216 Steam Coal Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9493 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 8nhp 'The Maori', No 2696 built in 1904 originally for export to New Zealand, reg no BS 8259. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 8nhp The Maori No 2696 Built 1904 Reg BS 8259 Export New Zealand Steam Coal Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9502 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp 'Pearl', No 46276 built in 1906 reg no HO 5556. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp Pearl No 46276 Built 1906 Reg HO 5556 Steam Coal Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9529 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp 'Old Nick', No 49725 built in 1908, reg no BW 4509. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp Old Nick No 49725 Built 1908 Reg BW 4509 Steam Coal Chimney Smoke Brass Red Gold Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9540 
 Fowler Crane Engine 10nhp 'Duke Of York', No 17106 built in 1928, B6 road locomotive with 12 ton crane, reg no KD 2826. 
 Keywords: Fowler Crane Engine 10nhp Duke Of York No 17106 Built 1928 B6 Road Locomotive 12 Ton Reg KD 2826 Lift Winch Heavy Load Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9791 
 Foster Wellington Steam Tractor 'Johnboy', No 14739 built in 2007 to a 1904 design, reg no GN07 UZE. 
 Keywords: Foster Wellington Steam Tractor Johnboy No 14739 Built 2007 Reg GN07 UZE 1904 Design Coal Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9797 
 Marshall Convertible Traction Engine 4nhp, No 62387 built in 1913 reg no BE 1877. 
 Keywords: Marshall Convertible Traction Engine 4nhp 62387 Built 1913 Reg BE 1877 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9802 
 Wallis & Steevens Steam Tractor 4nhp, No 2758 built in 1904 reg no A 6781, This was the smallest commercially built steam tractor at the time, and was supplied new to Pickfords. 
 Keywords: Wallis & Steevens Steam Tractor 4nhp No 2758 Built 1904 Reg A 6781 Pickfords Transport Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Blue Black Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Small Tow Trailer Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9806 
 Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp 'Old Duch', No 2417 built in 1901 reg no AF 4393. 
 Keywords: Burrell General Purpose Traction Engine 5nhp Old Duch No 2417 Built 1901 Reg AF 4393 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9809 
 Burrell Traction Engine 'Jimbo' (formerly The Big A), No 1563 built in 1891 reg no AH 7350. 
 Keywords: Burrell Traction Engine Jimbo Formerly Known The Big A No 1563 Built 1891 Reg AH 7350 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9832 
 Ruston & Proctor General Purpose Engine 7nhp 'Success', No 50278 built in 1914 reg no CE 7949. 
 Keywords: Ruston & Proctor General Purpose Engine 7nhp Success No 50278 Built 1914 Reg CE 7949 Traction Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9833C 
 Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 7nhp 'Enterprise', No 44103 built in 1911 reg no AL 9348. 
 Keywords: Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction Engine 7nhp Enterprise No 44103 Built 1911 Reg AL 9348 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9848 
 Mclaren Road Locomotive 'Chatham', No 1642 built in 1918 reg no BE 8739. 
 Keywords: Mclaren Road Locomotive Chatham No 1642 Built 1918 Reg BE 8739 Steam Engine Coal Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9851 
 Aveling & Porter General Purpose Steam Engine 7nhp 'Maud Foster', No 8597 built in 1915 reg no SW 757. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter General Purpose Steam Engine 7nhp Maud Foster No 8597 Built 1915 Reg SW 757 Traction Coal Engine Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Green Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Machinery Mechanical Steer Steering
IMG 9858C 
 Foster Steam Tractor, No 3002 built in 1904, replica of Foster Wellington tractor. Reg no NK56 NRE. 
 Keywords: Foster Steam Tractor No 3002 Built 1904 Reg NK56 NRE Wellington Replica Coal Steam Engine Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Red Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Fair Pull Haul Haulage Driver Steer Steering
IMG 9874 
 Fowler Crane Engine 10nhp 'Duke Of York', No 17106 built in 1928, reg no KD 2826, road locomotive with 12 ton crane. 
 Keywords: Fowler Crane Engine 10nhp Duke Of York No 17106 Built 1928 Reg KD 2826 B6 Road Locomotive 12 Ton Reg Lift Winch Heavy Load Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Traction Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Pull Haul Haulage Driver Mechanical Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9879C 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp 'Pearl', No 46276 built in 1906 reg no HO 5556. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp Pearl No 46276 Built 1906 Reg HO 5556 Steam Coal Chimney Smoke Brass Whistle Governor Red Flywheel Wheel Steer Steering Driver Pull Haul Haulage Machinery Boiler
IMG 9884 
 Fowler DN1 General Purpose Engine 6nhp 'Supremacy', No 16289 built in 1924 reg no NL 8292. 
 Keywords: Fowler DN1 General Purpose Engine 6nhp Supremacy No 16289 Built 1924 Reg NL 8292 Green Black Chimney Boiler Traction Flywheel Governor Whistle Smoke Steam Coal Wheel Wheels Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 9887 
 Fowler Steam Tractor 4nhp 'Mr Blower', No 15288 built in 1919 reg no U 4952. 
 Keywords: Fowler Steam Tractor 4nhp Mr Blower No 15288 Built 1919 Reg U 4952 Coal Engine Canopy Chimney Smoke Driver Red Gold Brass Boiler Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Steering Haul Haulage Pull Machinery
IMG 9898 
 Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp 'Teapot', No 23803 built in 1894 reg no BE 7795. 
 Keywords: Marshall General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp Teapot No 23803 Built 1894 Reg BE 7795 Coal Steam Chimney Smoke Whistle Governor Brass Red Gold Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Steering Haul Haulage Pull Driver Machinery
IMG 9901 
 Foster General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp 'Whinny', No 12539 built in 1910 reg no MA 5730. 
 Keywords: Foster General Purpose Traction Engine 6nhp Whinny No 12539 Built 1910 Reg MA 5730 Coal Steam Chimney Smoke Green Gold Red Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Driver Machinery Steer Steering
IMG 9921C 
 Ransome Sims & Jefferies General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp 'Old Peculiar', No 27596 built in 1919 reg no WR 6553. 
 Keywords: Ransome Sims & Jefferies General Purpose Traction Engine 7nhp Old Peculiar No 27596 Built 1919 Reg WR 6553 Coal Steam Chimney Smoke Green Black Red Whistle Brass Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Driver Steer Steering Machinery
IMG 9927 
 Marshall Traction Engine 'Titan', No 69303 built in 1915 reg no NM 340. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine Titan No 69303 Built 1915 Reg NM 340 Steam Coal Chimney Smoke Haul Haulage Whistle Red Brass Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Steering Driver Pull Drive Machinery
IMG 9932 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp, No 7871 built in 1897 reg no CC 2753. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp, No 7871 Built 1897 Reg CC 2753 Coal Steam Traction Canopy Chimney Smoke Brass Black Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Steer Steering Pull Load Heavy Driver Machinery
IMG 9943C 
 Fowler Traction Engine, No 11352 built in 1908 reg no BF 4855. 
 Keywords: Fowler Traction Engine No 11352 Built 1908 Reg BF 4855 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Black Red Smoke Steer Steering Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Drive Pull Haul Haulage Heavy
IMG 9946 
 Foster Traction Engine Single Cylinder 7nhp 'Sprig', No 14410 built in 1920 reg no UP 6481. 
 Keywords: Foster Traction Engine Sprig No 14410 Built 1920 Single Cylinder 7nhp Reg UP 6481 Steam Coal Boiler Chimney Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Green Red Steering Driver Machinery Pull Load Heavy Haul Haulage Smoke
IMG 9948C 
 Ruston Proctor Traction Engine, No 33189 built in 1907 reg no CT 3949. 
 Keywords: Ruston Proctor Traction Engine No 33189 Built 1907 Reg CT 3949 Steam Coal Boiler Chimney Whistle Governor Brass Green Gold Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Driver Haul Haulage Heavy Steer Steering Machinery
IMG 9958C 
 Marshall Traction Engine 7nhp 'Eileen', No 51483 built in 1909 reg no NL 1296. 
 Keywords: Marshall Traction Engine 7nhp Eileen No 51483 Built 1909 Reg NL 1296 Steam Coal Canopy Chimney Whistle Governor Brass Red Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Haul Haulage Boiler Pressure Driver Steer Steering
IMG 9975C 
 Foster Steam Tractor 3nhp 'Abigail', No 2948 reg no CT 5475. First Foster Wellington Tractor to be reconstructed since 1904. 
 Keywords: Foster Steam Tractor 3nhp Wellington Abigail No 2948 Built Originally 1904 Engine Coal Boiler Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Whistle Governor Brass Pull Haul Haulage Driver Steer Steering Machinery
IMG 9989C 
 Fowler Ploughing Engine, No 14375 built in 1917 reg no BE 7548. 
 Keywords: Fowler Ploughing Engine No 14375 Built 1917 Reg BE 7548 Steam Coal Boiler Land Chimney Smoke Brass Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Steer Steering Black Pull Haul Haulage Agriculture Machine Machinery
IMG 9992C 
 Foster Steam Tractor 'Mighty Atom', No 13031 built in 1913 reg no FE 1456. 
 Keywords: Foster Steam Tractor Mighty Atom No 13031 Built 1913 Reg FE 1456 Engine Coal Boiler Canopy Chimney Red Gold Whistle Governor Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Trailer Pull Pulling Machinery People Driver Transport