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Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 (1 file)

Images of the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012, general photos and detail shots.
IMG 2651 
 Showmans Engine's lighting up as the sun sets. 
 Keywords: Showman Showmans Engine Great Dorset Steam Fair GDSF Engines Fairground Steam Fair Smoke Electricity Dynamo Generator Generate Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Governor Whistle Steer Steering Light Lighting Driver People Machinery Red Black

Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 (2 files)

Images of the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013, general photos and detail shots, including the 'Worlds Greatest Roller Gathering'.
IMG 3515 
 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. Showmans engine line up. 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Traction Engine Heritage Photography Photo Photos British Tarrant Hinton Showmans Engine Lineup Gthering Fair Fairground Canopy Electricity Generate Dynamo Smoke Wheel Wheels
IMG 3524 
 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. Showmans engine line up. 
 Keywords: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Traction Engine Heritage Photography Photo Photos British Tarrant Hinton Showmans Engine Lineup Gthering People Fair Fairground Canopy Electricity Generate Dynamo Smoke Wheel Wheels

HDR Images. (5 files)

HDR images of Steam Traction Engines, Road Rollers and other steam powered vehicles. Also vintage vehicles and other general Vintage equipment.
IMG 0803HDR 
 Showmans engine in front of a ferris wheel. HDR. 
 Keywords: Showmans Engine In Front Ferris Wheel HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Fair Fairground Chimney Wheel Wheels Transport Generate Electricity Dynamo Power Lights
IMG 1825HDR 
 The famous Showmans Engine Lineup at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. HDR. 
 Keywords: The Famous Showmans Engine Lineup Great Dorset Steam Fair HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Fair Fairground Steam Smoke Canopy Wheel Wheels Generate Power Dynamo Clouds Showman
IMG 1921HDR 
 Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 inch scale, 'Lady Of The Lake'. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Lady Of The Lake Engine Miniature Marron Red Yellow Gold Flywheel Chimney Canopy Engine Boiler Wheel Wheels Driver Showman Fair Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photograph Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars
IMG 7625HDR 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp 'Margaret', No 3926 built in 1922 reg no NO 4999. HDR. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp Margaret No 3926 Built 1922 Reg NO 4999 HDR High Dynamic Range Photo Photography Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Red Black Gold Generate Electricity Dynamo Fair Fairground Henry Thurston & Sons Caterers Rugby Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Pull Pulling Transport

Miniature & Model Steam Traction Engines (8 files)

Miniature Steam Traction Engines, including Road Rollers, Wagons, Lorries, and General Purpose Engines & Model Steam Engines.
IMG 1915 
 Burrell miniature showmans road locomotive 4" scale 'Lady Of The Lake'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Showmans Road locomotive 4" scale Lady Of The Lake Steam Traction Engine Canopy Dynamo Electricity Generate Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Fairground
IMG 1919 
 Burrell miniature showmans road locomotive 4" scale 'Lady Of The Lake'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Miniature Showmans Road locomotive 4" scale Lady Of The Lake Steam Traction Engine Canopy Dynamo Electricity Generate Chimney Boiler Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Fairground
IMG 1921 
 Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 inch scale, 'Lady Of The Lake'. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Lady Of The Lake Engine Miniature Marron Red Yellow Gold Flywheel Chimney Canopy Engine Boiler Wheel Wheels Driver Showman Fair Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity
IMG 1953 
 Fowler showmans miniature road locomotive engine 'Lady Irene'. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Miniature Road Locomotive Engine Lady Irene Steam Traction Chimney Boiler Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Canopy
IMG 1954 
 Fowler showmans miniature road locomotive engine 'Lady Irene'. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Miniature Road Locomotive Engine Lady Irene Steam Traction Chimney Boiler Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Canopy
IMG 1956 
 Fowler showmans miniature road locomotive engine 'Lady Irene'. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Miniature Road Locomotive Engine Lady Irene Steam Traction Chimney Boiler Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Canopy
IMG 1957 
 Fowler showmans miniature road locomotive engine 'Lady Irene'. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Miniature Road Locomotive Engine Lady Irene Steam Traction Chimney Boiler Fairground Dynamo Generate Electricity Model Wheel Wheels Smoke Coal Steam Driver Whistle Governor Cylinder Engine Mechanical Engineering Mechanics Canopy Trailer Driver
IMG 5309 
 Burrell Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 inch scale 'Frederick'. 
 Keywords: Burrell Scenic Showmans Road Locomotive 4 Inch Scale Frederick Fairground Electricity Generate Dynamo Lights Flywheel Red Yellow Chimney Coal Boiler Smoke Steam Cart Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Transport Driver

Showmans Road Locomotive Engines (26 files)

Showmans Road Locomotive Engines and their smaller tractor counterparts. Also lineup's and gathering of Showmans Engines. Please note that dates quoted are the original dates of manufacture.
 Foster Showmans Engine 'Pride Of Essex', No 13036 built in 1912 reg no FE 1079. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Engine Pride Of Essex No 13036 Built 1912 Reg FE 1079 Coal Fairground Electricity Dynamo Generator Lights Canopy Chimney Smoke Flywheel Wheel Wheels Brass Whistle Governor Red Yellow Colourful Generate Driver Showman Machinery
IMG 2311 
 Aveling & Porter showmans tractor 4nhp 5 tons 'The Rising Sun', No 7414 built in 1911 reg no EB 075. 
 Keywords: Aveling & Porter Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 Tons The Rising Sun No 7414 Built 1911 Reg EB 075 Canopy Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Fariground Steam Coal Boiler Chimney Wheel Wheels Transport Power Haul Haulage
IMG 3503 
 Showmans Engine lineup at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Showmans Engine Lineup Line Gathering Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Fairground Power Generate Dynamo Electricity
IMG 3508 
 Burrell Showmans Scenic Engine 'Ex-Mayor', No 4000 built in 1924 reg no WT 8606. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Scenic Engine Ex-Mayor No 4000 Built 1924 Reg WT 8606 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Fairground Electricity Generate Dynamo Lights Rides Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 3941 
 Fowler B6 Super Lion Showmans Engine 10nhp 'The Lion', No 19782 built in 1932 reg no UB 9763. 
 Keywords: Fowler B6 Super Lion Showmans Engine 10nhp The Lion No 19782 Built 1932 Reg UB 9763 Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Fairground Generate Dynamo Canopy Lights Electricity Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 5053 
 Burrell Showmans DCC Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Earl Haig', No 3979 built in 1924 reg no YA 9138. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans DCC Road Locomotive 8nhp Earl Haig No 3979 Built 1924 Reg YA 9138 Chimney Boiler Coal Canopy Fairground Fair Showman Generate Electricity Dynamo Flywheel Transport Rides
IMG 5094 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp 'Prince Of Wales', No 14948 built in 1917 reg no EB 4999. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp Prince Of Wales No 14948 Built 1917 Reg EB 4999 Red Gold Engine Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Generate Electricity Dynamo Lights Fair Fairground Rides Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 5833 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 10nhp 19.5 tons 'Carry On', No 14425 built in 191916 reg no DP 4418. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 10nhp 19.5 Tons Carry On No 14425 Built 191916 Reg DP 4418 Fairground Generate Dynamo Canopy Lights Electricity Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 6368 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Star', No 3423 built in 1912 reg no CJ 4152. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp Star No 3423 Built 1912 Reg CJ 4152 Chimney Boiler Coal Traction Engine Flywheel Whistle Governor Haul Haulage Fair Fairground Wheel Wheels Lights Generate Electricity Dynamo
IMG 6658 
 Three Showmans Engines in-front of the fairground, at the Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014. 
 Keywords: Three Showmans Engines Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 6776 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 2013 Chiltern Fairground Rally Showmans Steam Electricity Generate Dynamo Canopy Boiler Red Gold Fair Wheel Wheels Chimney Coal Machinery Haulage Rides
IMG 6798 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 2013 Chiltern Fairground Rally Showmans Steam Power Dynamo Electricity Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars Canopy Decorative Chimney Boiler Coal Wheel Wheels Red Gold Machinery Transport Fair Rides
IMG 6930 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive DCC 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive DCC 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars
IMG 7028 
 Foster showmans tractor 4nhp 'Endeavour', works No 14066 built in 1915 reg no FE 1589. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Tractor 4nhp Endeavour Works No 14066 Built 1915 Reg FE 1589 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7029 
 Burrell DCC showmans tractor 4nhp 5 ton 'Peter Pan', works No 3433 built in 1912 reg no AH 0108. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 Ton Peter Pan Works No 3433 Built 1912 Reg AH 0108 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7030 
 Burrell DCC showmans tractor 4nhp 5 ton 'Peter Pan', works No 3433 built in 1912 reg no AH 0108. 
 Keywords: Burrell DCC Showmans Tractor 4nhp 5 Ton Peter Pan Works No 3433 Built 1912 Reg AH 0108 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7032 
 Foster showmans tractor 4nhp 'Endeavour', works No 14066 built in 1915 reg no FE 1589. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Tractor 4nhp Endeavour Works No 14066 Built 1915 Reg FE 1589 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7446 
 Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp 'Princess Royal', works No 3789 built in 1921 reg no SW 742. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp Princess Royal Works No 3789 Built 1921 Reg SW 742 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7451 
 Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp 'Princess Royal', works No 3789 built in 1921 reg no SW 742. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Engine 7nhp Princess Royal Works No 3789 Built 1921 Reg SW 742 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7550 
 Foster Showmans Engine 5nhp 'Victoria', works No 14564 built in 1926 reg no FE 8055. 
 Keywords: Foster Showmans Engine 5nhp Victoria Works No 14564 Built 1926 Reg FE 8055 Engine Boiler Fairground Rides Lights Dynamo Flywheel Generate Electricity Chimney Canopy Transport Fair Colourful Brass Coal Smoke Strumpshaw Steam Rally 2014
IMG 7625 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp 'Margaret', No 3926 built in 1922 reg no NO 4999. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 5nhp Margaret No 3926 Built 1922 Reg NO 4999 Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Red Black Gold Generate Electricity Dynamo Fair Fairground Henry Thurston & Sons Caterers Rugby Wheel Wheels Haul Haulage Pull Pulling Transport
IMG 7680 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage
IMG 7928 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Star', No 3423 built in 1912 reg no CJ 4152. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp Star No 3423 Built 1912 Reg CJ 4152 Fair Fairgound T. Pettigrove Amusement Caterer Rides Electricity Dynamo Lights Power Chimney Canopy Red Gold Black Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Boiler Coal Smoke Steam
IMG 9099 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars
IMG 9103 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp 'Star', No 3423 built in 1912 reg no CJ 4152. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 7nhp Star No 3423 Built 1912 Reg CJ 4152 Fair Fairgound T. Pettigrove Amusement Caterer Rides Electricity Dynamo Lights Power Chimney Canopy Red Gold Black Flywheel Wheel Wheels Transport Boiler Coal Smoke Steam
IMG 9855 
 Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp 'Prince Of Wales', No 14948 built in 1917 reg no EB 4999. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive 18 Tons 9nhp Prince Of Wales No 14948 Built 1917 Reg EB 4999 Red Gold Engine Canopy Chimney Flywheel Whistle Governor Smoke Steam Coal Boiler Generate Electricity Dynamo Lights Fair Fairground Rides Pull Pulling Haul Haulage

Steam Engine & Fairground Equipment. (7 files)

Detail photos of Steam powered machines and equipment, including Traction Engines, Road Rollers and other items relating to Steam Rallies, Fairs and Fairgrounds.
IMG 0570 
 Showmans Engine 'Pride Of Essex' front detail. 
 Keywords: Showmans Engine Pride Of Essex Front Detail Light Bulb Lamp Electricity Dynamo Generate Fair Fairground Pull Haul Haulage Transport
IMG 0572 
 Showmans Engine Lamp and volt meter detail. 
 Keywords: Showmans Engine Lamp Volt Meter Detail Electricity Generator Dynamo Light Bulb Coal Steam Haul Haulage Machine Machinery Transport
IMG 0575C 
 William Foster & Co Ltd Showman's Engine showing livery detail and steam whistle. 
 Keywords: William Foster & Co Ltd Showman's Engine Lincoln England Wellington Tractor Livery Detail Steam Whistle Coal Steam Fairground Electricity Generator Dynamo Light Brass Plaque
IMG 0803 
 Showmans Engine in front of Ferris Wheel. 
 Keywords: Showmans Engine Front Ferris Wheel Fairground Generate Electricity Generator Dynamo Coal Lights Chimney Canopy Fair Wheel Wheels Transport Haul Haulage
IMG 6567 
 Garrett Showmans Tractor 'Lady Sarah'. Front detail. 
 Keywords: Garrett Showmans Tractor Lady Sarah Front Detail No 33074 Built 1917 Reg BJ 3451 Red Black Gold Dynamo Generate Electricity Power Fair Fairground Rides Boiler Coal Smoke Steam Haul Haulage Pull Pulling Transport
IMG 6569 
 Fowler Showmans Engine 'Royal Sovereign'. Front detail. 
 Keywords: Fowler Showmans Engine Royal Sovereign No 18503 Reg GO 5298 1931 Front Detail Connection Box Red Gold Dynamo Fair Fairground Electricity Boiler Coal Steam Pull Pulling Haul Hauling Badge Insignia
IMG 6645 
 Steam engine connection box plate detail. 
 Keywords: Steam Engine Traction Connection Box Plate Diagram Dynamo Generator Motor Wiring Red

Steam Traction Engines (2 files)

Photographs of Steam Traction Engines, Ploughing Engines & General Purpose Steam Engines. Also line-ups and gathering of Steam Engines. Please note that dates quoted are the original dates of manufacture.
IMG 3944 
 Line of Showmans Engines at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013. 
 Keywords: Line Lineup Collection Gathering Showmans Engines Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 GDSF Tarrant Hinton Smoke Boiler Traction Coal Chimney Wheel Wheels Mechanical Engineering Flywheel Whistle Governor Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Fairground Dynamo Electricity Generate Power
IMG 7785C 
 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp 'Britannia', No 2668 built in 1904 reg no NM 257. 
 Keywords: Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive 8nhp Britannia No 2668 Built 1904 Reg NM 257 Chimney Boiler Flywheel Coal Smoke Steam Red Black Gold Fair Fairground Rides Electricity Generate Dynamo Pull Pulling Haul Haulage Wm Thurston & Son Super Speed Cars

Vintage & Classic Cars detail shots (1 file)

Vintage and Classic cars detail shots, images of front and rear of cars, and other car parts, including logos, badges and name plates.
IMG 9407 
 Bentley car dynamo control. 
 Keywords: Bentley Car Dynamo Control Motors Ltd London Rich Weak Chassis Wood Dashboard Vintage Classic British Transport